XXIV. Confessions

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I'm having cold sweat as my mind is getting ahead of me. I can imagine Soohyuk taking advantage of Y/N. I accelerated going through the cars lined up as fast as I could and not caring whether I'm over speeding and will eventually get fined. 

Y/N is more important than any of those shit. 


"Taehyung! That is not how you hold a sword. GET IT RIGHT! WE'RE NOT IN THE TIME TO TAKE THIS HALF ASSED!!!" I heard my dad shout at me. I was in the basement of the mansion practicing with my father. The dust was too much as it made my throat dry. It was pitch black and I can't see anything. Only the footsteps of my dad is what my senses can perceive. I felt someone sliced my back as I flinched in surprise and looked behind me. Then I felt someone air choking me with his arms. I grasped on the air and tried to breath but couldn't. I tapped on his arm as he pushed me down the ground. I hit the cold dusty floor and gasped for air. "Unbelieveable! How can I even call you my own son when you're not even strong enough to fight back." He said as he started walking towards the entrance as the bright light blinded me. "Stay there and reflect on how weak you are!" He said as he locked the door and I heard metal clanking outside. I tried my best to push it down but it didn't work. 

I sat on the cold hard ground and breathed in all the dust that was flowing in the air. I smiled to myself in disbelief as I realize how stupid I am. I'm only 12 years old and look how my parents are making me do. They're turning me into a killer. How can a kid like me kill someone like so easily? I sighed hugging my knees and began crying. I wish I was never born in this family. 

Then I heard a loud knock on the door. It was as if tearing it down open. 

"Taehyung!!!" A high pitched voice called me. My head rose up and headed to the door. I heard her voice again. "TAEHYUNG!!!!" As the voice continued, so is the loud knocking on the door. 

"W-Who?" I asked reluctantly. The knocking stopped and I heard some keys clanking. Then the door opened. The light was too bright to me as I half closed my eyes and saw a silhouette of a little girl about my height rushing towards me. I closed my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I felt a heavy weight hit my chest as arms flung on either side of my waist as I felt a warm presence on my body. My heart started raising fast. My arms slowly wrapped around her as right at that exact moment I felt at ease. I never felt so safe in my whole life. My knees felt weak as I fell down on the floor while holding her in my arms still. Never letting her  go. 

"I'm here." I heard her say in the most gentle way I could ever want. "I will stay and never leave you, okay?" She said. I closed my eyes letting my tears fall down my cheeks as I never felt contented in my entire life. 


She was everything to me. NO. She is still everything to me. I  can't imagine a life without Y/N. Without her, my life will be meaningless. She's my everything. She's who I want for the rest of my life. 

I shut my eyes in frustration as the thought of her crying. It drives me crazy cause I don't know what Soohyuk might do to her. I arrived at Soohyuk's guest house that looks more than a mansion rather than a house. I removed my helmet. I saw headlight flashing behind me and saw it was Sehun's car. He's tailed by a lot of guards who were wearing formal clothes. Sehun himself is wearing one. I looked at him from head to toe and smirked. 

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