Not So Calm; 12/27/13

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This already has 5 votes and it was published yesterday! 😱 Can I take a moment here to cry? No? Not even tears of joy? Ok fine den.

But seriously, thank you to the people who read this or I Want You Bad. Y'all are amazing.

Excuse me, AMAZAYN actually.

Yup. That's what y'all are. Mmhm.


I think I say y'all too much. Like, I always say "love y'all" and idk why. I blame my mom's country ish er family.

Curse you!!!!!

Gosh I watch too much Disney.

That whole "curse you" thing was a Phineas and Ferb reference, just so you know.

Did I spell Phineas and Ferb right? I think I did. I don't know. I've always sucked at spelling.

On the topic of Disney, I'm super annoyed at them.

So, they made a season two soundtrack for Austin and Ally, right? (And yes, I watch Austin and Ally. It's one of my favorite shows. Don't judge.) Well, it turns out they combined season three into the season two soundtrack. And they have only played five episodes of season three! Cheap cheap cheap, I'm tellin' ya.

Also, they only put like five songs from season two onto the CD! For the first season soundtrack, they put every song that was preformed in that season onto the CD. But nooooo, they wanna annoy me with season two. Which I personally think season two had better songs than season one. And for the season two part, they left off my second and third favorite songs from that season! And one of them was played in two of the episodes! They left off a few other songs too.

And they put some song by two girls I've never heard of, onto the soundtrack. They are taking up valuable storage for Ross's amazing voice!

Did I just say that? Oh well. Get used to it :D

I could go on about how I'm 90% sure that one of the songs is just a cover of a song on the radio and so on, but I think I've said too much already.

Wow I really did rant on about some stupid CD. Sorry guys........

On another note, I have Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus stuck in my head. But yet again I always have a song stuck in my head.

I'm typing this while buried under many blankets again while being forced to hear my sister snore like a grizzly bear that's drowning. Not the highlight of my day.

Or any day.

In a million years.

I need to start updating earlier to avoid this horror. THE HORROR!!!


You know how those new Chuck e Cheese commercials try to get all sentimental? Like, they play slow, sad ish music in the background and show slow motion videos of kids playing, and the new mouse says something stupid like "Now all that's missing, is you." While looking like he is about to cry or something.

Yeah, that bothers me. What's more heart touching than chewy pizza, air that smells like foot, and your kid getting into a fight with some other kid over a ticket that will buy a prize you will never use?

Hmmmm, give me a minute to think.

Note the sarcasm 😝

And why did they have to change to mouse?? What was wrong with the non realistic, cartoony mouse we all used to love and be afraid of? Their ruining my childhood memories here! Kidding.

Wow, how did I get off to another rant?

Well, I guess I shall say a little bit about what I did today. Off to Crystal-landia! *whoosh*

Ummmmmm........ o.o Crystal, your weird.

Any who, today I actually did kinda a lot of stuff! That hasn't happened in, what, a few months? A year? Since the beginning of middle school? The world may never know!

Well I got a haircut, and they actually didn't mess my hair up! Lets all give the hair stylists a round of applause for actually doing something right for a change! 👏

Then I went to Target and my brother bought me a 1.5 litter of Mtn.Dew! Lets just say I'm gonna be pretty hyper tomorrow. Or tonight. Which ever comes first 😉

And I bought a Taylor Swift calendar! Ok, I know what your thinking. Yes, I'm one of those rare people who likes both Taylor Swift and One Direction. And the Taylor calendar will proudly be hanging in the middle of all of my 1D posters xD

Ok, I actually really wanted a 1D calendar. But for some reason people bought my sister one and not me. And they had none at Target. So Taylor was the next best thing that they had. And, come on, she looked REALLY pretty in it 😂

Back to my day......

So after Target I went to Kohl's and got some pretty cool shirts. Because I have barley any that fit me or are in any way cute.

And my mom didn't make me pay for any of the cloths for once! Yay me! Lol.

Sorry this was a pretty long entry. I didn't realize how much I wrote. And sorry it wasn't that interesting, it's 11:00 pm right now and I'm pretty tired from going to bed past midnight last night from me and my friend's "virtual sleepover".

We didn't actually call it that. I just now made that up. I'm so lame.

Just kidding.


Bye!! Thanks for reading! You da bomb! ;D


A Not So Calm Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now