Fangirling and Disney; 12/29/13

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Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ross, happy birthday to you!!

Why am I bursting your eardrums from my horrible singing, you ask? Well the answer is quite simple, my dear friend.........



(If you don't have emojis then know that the hearts above are yellow for his favorite color.)

I can't believe he is officially an adult now. My baby boy has grown up 😪

Just kidding. I'm sadly not Stormy (his mom).

Why was I cursed to be boring old me? WHY?!?!?!? WHY I ASK!!!!!

But seriously, if any one knows the answer then please call the number below toll free ASAP.

What does toll free even mean? And why do I sound like one of those commercials that try to get you to pay too much money to save some dying animal?

And why am I asking so many questions??

What topic was I just on? Oh ya, Ross Lynch.

So 18 years ago today at ______ time in Littleton, Colorado in ______ hospital, Ross Shor Lynch was brought into this world. His father Mark Lynch and older siblings Riker Anthony Lynch, Rydel Mary Lynch, and Rocky Mark Lynch were there to greet him with his mom Stormy Lynch. *goes on with his life story that I could literally tell you parts of*

What? It's not creepy or obsessed.......

But hey, at least I don't know what time and hospital he was born in! Because that would be creepy.

I'm not one of those crazy fans.

And I'm not one of those stalkerish fans who knows what street and time some celebrity is gonna be at.

I'm just one of those who knows when and where they are gonna be playing each concert 😂

But don't worry my kind, stalking fangirls. I still love you to pieces. Our bands would be no where without you.

*~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* *~*

Weeeeeeeell anywaaaaaays, I always try to celebrate celebrities' birthdays in some way. So for Ross, I'm wearing yellow (his favorite color), wrote a bunch of stuff that reminds me of him on my wrists, listened to R5 and Austin and Ally songs all day, etc.

It's normal, I swear!

Onto today's topic!

Wait, backtrack.

Is it just me or does Ross have such a unique voice?? I've never known of any singer who can sound anything like him. His voice is just so unique and amazing.

Louis Tomlinson's is too.

Ahdocksdmqlifns fangirl attack 😍

Ok sowwy. I won't be so cwazy anymore. I'll twy at least. No pwomises though.

Ok now onto today's topic!

Today, boys and girls, we will be talking about Disney movies!

So today when I went onto Disney Channel, they were in the middle if playing High School Musical 2!

I almost screamed and freaked out.

Ok maybe not almost. I did scream and freak out.

Before you ask questions, let me explain.

So when I was little I used to be crazy obsessed with all the High School Musical movies and especially with Zac Effron. I used to think he was the hottest thing to walk this planet 😄

He still is pretty cute.

And when I say "still pretty cute", I mean WAY cuter than he ever was when he was on Disney. At least that's what I think now. Past me would argue that.

So anyways I watched the rest of the movie and made fun of it every five seconds.

But hey, that's what I do with all the movies I used to like!

I can't believe Zac used to look like that though. I have no idea what I found attractive in him back then 😂

And Vanessa (Gabriella) sounded like one of those chipmunks that sing.

And I could go on and on and on about everything in it.

But omg when Zac sang Bet On It, I started fangirling because that used to be my favorite song of all time.

Ok I talked too much about High School Musical already. Onto the next movie!

Who has seen Frozen? It is officially my favorite Disney cartoon of all time. I'm not gonna talk about this one very much since it's still in theaters and I dunno who hasn't seen it that might be reading this.

But the story line is funny and sweet and awesome. Especially because of how the kingdom was saved.

Not your average princess movie when it comes to the ending.

And the music is pretty cool. I've had Let It Go stuck in my head ever since I saw the movie.

Ok enough on that one. I'm trying not to talk a whole bunch in this blog, but I'm obviously failing.

So another Disney Channel movie that I love is Starstruck. Most people probably haven't seen that movie.

Sterling Knight is one of the main characters in it. Which btw he is super cute!! Well he used to be. He isn't anymore. O.o

And Sterling can sing really well.

And his blonde hair and blue eyes 😍 Sorry, I have a thing for blondes with blue eyes for some reason.

Well....... the year it came out I got the soundtrack to it as a gift but not the movie. I had been looking on every store and movie rental place for the movie for years but couldn't find it. Then this year I got it for Christmas!

So I obviously freaked out. Majorly.

I think I have mental problems. Does someone know a good therapist? No?

Moving on...........

The last Disney Channel movie that I love is Teen Beach Movie.

I used to really really love it until I saw it over twenty times.

A little obsessed?

Ross was super cute in it as always. And the songs, especially Like Me and Crusin' For A Brouisn', were super catchy.

I have no idea what else to say about Teen Beach Movie. I blame that it's getting late. And global warming.

You can blame global warming for everything!

Me and my friend came up with a ton of scenarios for blaming it.

We are loners. I know. 😎

Who wants to know about my day?? -no one raises their hand-

Y'allz are smart then.

Because I did absolutely nothing all day except go to church, text two of my friends all day, and do homework.

Im so intresting!!

I wish. Just kidding.

Is it just me or are my blogs getting longer and more and more boring??

I really need to write these earlier when I am capable of using more than half of my brain :D

What's your current it past favorite Disney movie? Comment below!

And don't say your too old for Disney. No one is, I mean look at me!

Ok don't look at me. That's just stalkerish.

Sorry for the super long blog! Goodnight beautifuls!


Just pretend that was normal.


A Fangirling Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now