Happy Hyper; 2/20/14

51 2 1

Hey thereeeee!

So I'm happy right now. Why why why you ask?? Well earlier tonight this book had like 270 views or something like that, and now it has 320!

Like whaaaaaaat? What's going on here? lol

And it almost has 80 votes! Whoop whoop!

Oh yeah! A few days ago I updated all my book covers! I like these a lot better :D

And tonight I changed my username! it used to be ImaLiamGirl27 and now it's _crystallize !

AND (yes, there's an and) yesterday I posted a new poem book! It's called Happily Never After. Please check it out if you <3 me! jk

I guess you can say a lot has happened on Wattpad for me.

(P.S. I updated a short chapter of Run also. It sucks, I'm sorry :/ )

I'm gonna save you from hearing about my uneventful day of getting my will written out by my friends and getting a lesson about food in history.

Weird, I know.

So yeah! Dats it!

I'm mentally hyper right now. Like on the outside I'm soooooooo tired but in my head in super hyper.

Can't I be normal for once??

Nope because normal is boring.

Ok ima shut up now! I don't feel like falling asleep in my tests tomorrow.

Ugh! School!

But at least it's FRIDAY TOMORROW!!!!!!!

Ok now I'm leaving. Try not to miss me while I'm gone! jk


A Happy Hyper Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now