Procrastinating; 2/17/14

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Heyo. So I can't talk for long because I have to finish some last minute homework and sleep before 5:00 a.m. Ugh.

Speaking of school, I made a big decision regarding school for next year, this morning. Hopefully it's the right one. I'll maybe talk about it tomorrow. (And yes Addy I'll text you about it because you probably already know what I'm talking about 😄)

Today I had no school. Yeah yuh! I finally left the house after all weekend also! Stupid sickness. Why couldn't have you hit me when I actually had school?? lol

So yeah that was my day. And texting a few friends. I was surprised when my old guy friend texted me tonight. We haven't talked in months... it's not like we live a few houses away or anything and had plenty of opportunities... haha

I watched the last episode of Good Luck Charlie tonight also. I'm sooooooo sad they ended it!! Sounds pathetic but oh well.

I'm really annoyed at Disney. I shall talk about that tomorrow too 😁

When I found my new profile pic on the computer today, I was mentally like "ASBKDBWLDNAL MATT SLEEPING OMG SO CUTE I JUST CANT AHHHHHH!!"

.....I may or may not have mental problems. It's ok though 😂

So umm bye!

Oh yeah! If you know anyone on here that makes really good book covers for people, will you please tell me? I want to update my covers because I don't really like them 😶 Thanks!


A Procrastinating Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now