6/11/14; Temple

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I think I'm developing a crush on my friend's crush...

Probably only because he looks and acts a lot like Calum Hood from 5 Seconds Of Summer.



Heyyyy guyssss!

Ok so I'm going to try and not gonna go out on a full religious rant right now.

Tonight was one of the best nights of my life. The reason being:

1: I went into my religion's temple for the first time.

2: I did baptisms for the dead for the first time.

I'm not gonna explain what baptisms for the dead are, because I think the name explains most of it. And the explanation would be too long anyways. So look it up if y'all want. (I'm Mormon, by the way. (Don't judge me or anything.))

It was just so cool. I would go really into detail but... yeah.

So so cool.

And I saw a full view of my city since the temple is kind of on the mountain. That was pretty.

And- ok I'll stop talking now.

Anyways! I bought a bunch of stuff to decorate my part of my bedroom.

So far I've made a homemade dream catcher.

I don't know, I just like DIY stuff.

I should really shut up now.



A Religious Teenager (These titles are getting worse by the minute.)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now