7/7/14; Anything

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I'm just gonna quickly talk about anything and everything that comes to my mind cuz I'm bored and yeah.

It was pouring on the forth of July and it kinda sucked because fireworks couldn't be done as much, but it's probably not gonna rain here again till next year sooooo...

I had to go shooting yesterday because it was my dad's birthday and that's what he wanted to do. But I'm terrified of guns. Not a fun time.

Today was Matt Espinosa and Ashton Irwin's birthday. Excuse me while I cry because my babies are growing up.

I'm trying really hard to get into shape. I think I over exercised today, because it hurts to even stand.....

I wanna move to Canada someday. That would be awesome, since it's so expensive to move to San Diego. But yet moving out of the country is expensive too...

I really need to update Dear Siri.

Wow this was a really random update. Maybe I'll delete it later. Idk.

G'night peoplez.


A Sleep Deprived Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now