Sickly; 2/15/14

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So I've been sick the past few days, but today is the sickest I've been. Ugh. I just wanna curl up in a ball and die. Or at least sleep until I'm better.

Wait no, sleep until summer. There we go, that's better!

Sooooooo what did I do on valentines day? Well I went on the most romantic date ever and-

Hell no I didn't go on some date! I didn't even communicate with any guys except my dad and brother! #ForeverAlone! Kidding.

Well I didn't have school yesterday. And I went to one store yesterday. That's all. And sat in the corner with my posters and chocolate and cried. Kidding.

I'm in a really sarcastic mood right now o.o I blame being sick. Lol.

Today I didn't do anything except go on electronics and sit in my pajamas all day. I didn't even eat except for dinner! 😱 I'm always hungry, so that was shocking.

I'm bored out of my mind. And my eyes still hurt so much from going on the computer for so long.

Speaking if which, I updated Run today!! I'm actually really proud of this book so far 😄 Please check it out if you haven't! Thank you.. I love you ❤️ haha

If I wasn't sick I would be at my friend's house until midnight right now eating s'mores and going in her hot tub 😭 Why couldn't I have been sick on one of my usual short and boring weekends?? Not this weekend! Blargh.

I don't know what else to say. I know I haven't been doing topics very often and I'm sorry. I haven't really had time to type these blogs even.

Thank you for reading! Sorry if this sounds horrible. I'm super tired right now even thought it's not late. Now off to reading the book Addy is making me read before I watch the movie!! lol ✌️ out 😜


A Sickly Teenager -.-

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now