Back!; 1/25-28/14

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Hey again!

So I know I haven't posted in three days. Sorry!!

I've just been very busy.

Busy with what you say?

You probably didn't say that, but you will find out anyways!

-Saturday I went shopping, then to my friend's birthday party, then to a church activity, then to my other friend's house.

-Sunday I went to church and did a ton of homework.

-Monday (yesterday) I went to school. And had barely any homework!

So ya! That's why I haven't been on much and why I didn't update.

I was thinking that these blogs might stop being every single day because I can never really find time to do them, because I have after school activities every day Tuesday-Friday plus about four or five hours of homework everyday.

And then like four hours of homework over the weekend plus anything fun that I'll be lucky if I do.

But I won't be ending my blogs!

They're really fun to do and I like doing them 😉

In other news!

Addy's, @BookPineapple, phone broke into pieces. She said it was because her dad tried replacing her phone screen.

You can never trust parents with technology! It's too advanced for them! 😄

So that's why she hasn't been on here recently, for all of you that read her blog also.

Oh ya! So today my Chloe (one of my close friends) told me that she will actually be moving out of state this Friday instead of a month from now like her parents had originally told her 😰😭

She said that she got accepted into some school earlier than expected......

I need to kidnap her and keep her at our school!

Or stalk her to her new home!

Kidding. I'm not like that. Most of the time 😈

Kidding. Again.

So on Friday I'm gonna make a blog dedicated to her 😇

Now to Jill with the weather! *says in newscaster voice*

What? This isn't the news! What are you talking about?

Unless I secretly am a news reporter....... dun dun dun!! 😁

Ok ima shut up now.

Thanks for reading!

Remember to




you gorgeous person you! 😋


Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now