Help! 4/16/14

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Heyo my lovely peoplezz!

So, I just realized that I forgot to mention that 4/14/14 was Ellington Ratliff's birthday also!!

I still find it so cool that me and him share a birthday. cx

Anyways, to the real reason for this update!

I was thinking about making a quote book full of quotes that I made, and a few that I find on the Internet .

Just because I love writing quotes and finding new quotes that I can relate to, and maybe other people can relate to my quotes.

They would mostly be quotes related to depression and similar topics, because those are quotes that I write and look for mostly.

But there would also be a few that I find to be inspirational and happier.

So what do you think?

Would any of you guys be interested in my quote book?

If not, then I could always just make updates on here that are full of quotes. :) 

Please comment your opinions! Thank you xx

I also need your help for one other thing.....

What are some topics you want me to talk about on this blog?

I am honestly horrible at coming up with topics, so your help is much appreciated!

I know that no one wants to hear about my boring life, and seems like the only thing I'm talking about on here now.

Please comment your topic ideas!

I will write about them if I am familiar with the topic.

It can be anything from questions you have for me to arguments I will rant about.

And trust me, I'm far too good at ranting. xP

Thank you so much! I know this was kind of longer than usual and it may make me sound needy, so sorry.

Thanks for all the reads and votes!

(Remember to comment ^~^)


A Teenager In Need Of Help

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now