Directioners; 1/21-22/14

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I procrastinated on my homework a lot and was kinda busy.

Don't hate me! Jk

So I'm gonna go straight to my topic because it's gonna be kind of long today!

And because my life has been very boring recently, mostly consisting of listening to music, doing homework, and texting 😜

And finding out my close friend Chloe is moving back to her hometown in a month or two 😭😭



Directioners: fans of the British-Irish band One Direction.

Also known to the public as the craziest fan base of all.

Which is partially true, I will admit.

And yes, I myself am a directioner.

Judge if you want, it's ok.

Even though I'm part of this fandom, there are some things I don't like about it.

*I'm not speaking directly about anyone through any part of this blog. I'm also not trying to put anyone down.*

1st: Other fan bases.

If your a Swiftie, a fan of Taylor Swift, then you know about the "Directioner and Swifite war".

This "war" is over Harry Styles and Taylor Swifts's breakup that happened last year.

I honestly don't understand this fight.

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't even know who broke up with who or why.

There are rumors that they cheated on each other, along with other rumors that I can't recall.

After this breakup, many Directioners and Swifties turned on each other.

I know that part of it also has to do with Taylor saying bad things about One Direction and Taylor supposedly writing songs about Harry, etc., but seriously!

They are humans too. Humans make mistakes and say bad things about other people sometimes. But we still forgive them.

I guess that doesn't apply to celebrities, though.

I know that not all Directioners and Swifties are like this, but I've noticed the majority are.

This fight gets me so pissed off. I don't completely know why, though.

I also stand up for Harry and Taylor when it comes to this.

Because I'm a fan of Taylor as well.

Hate me because of it, it's cool.

Tay is a real good singer and role model, after all!

2nd: The hatred and overreaction.

I know all fan bases don't like people who put down their favorite celebrity. I understand that.

But I haven't witnessed hatred like this with the other fan bases I'm part of, so that's why I'm talking specifically about directioners.

So, many directioners hate Taylor Swift as I said before, but many also seem to hate The Wanted.

Can someone please explain to me why, exactly??

I've heard that 1D and The Wanted got in some Twitter fight, but is that a reason to hate them?

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now