Matt Espinosa; 2/7/14

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Today, for the first time in my life, a guy asked for my phone number.

(Ok my old guy friend did last year, but that's different.)

Just to clear things up, it's not like he likes me or anything. I don't think. He might still like my friend.

But still! I texted him before on my friend's phone when I was super hyper and my friend embarrassed me to him. That's the only time we have really had a conversation. Except for today obviously.

So it was really unexpected when he asked for my number.

I can't embarrass myself much more around him because last time was pretty embarrassing. And so was something that happened yesterday..... 😄

Why can't I just not be awkward around guys?? haha

So that's me right now......

And blaring my music to try and block out the loud people on my bus.

My bus driver is such a freak. I swear.

Oh yeah, TGIF TGIF!!

Ugh this week has been horrible. Worse than most school days, that is 😁

Just one more week until a four day weekend. I can do this!! 😜

Ok so I swear, Matt Espinosa is the sweetest person on Earth.

That may be a slight exaggeration but still.

So why do I think he is, you may be wondering?

Well every night he posts inspirational quotes, he's always worried about our safety and well being, he made a video for his fans, etc.

Last night he said that he was going on a short break from Twitter and Instagram because many of his fans were saying that if he didn't follow them, then they would commit, cut, or do any form of self harm.

He said he was really stressed out about it because he want everyone to be ok. He didn't want to be the cause of someone's death. He is only 16, after all.

Also, yesterday or the day before he actually saved someone from committing.

I don't know about you, but I think he is so kind and caring about everyone.

I wish everyone wasn't stressing him out so much and threatening him like that, though 😔


Well that was basically my topic today I guess.

Have a great night!

Finally, a day I can sleep in! 😄


A Fangirling Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now