Hyper and Besties; 12/30/13

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Hey hey hey! *sounds like Rocky off of Shake It Up*

Lol ok so just to warn you, this is gonna be a pretty short blog

Or at least I'm gonna try to make it short.

I'm probably gonna fail.

But anyways!

Ok so I'll just start with last night.

So last night I was texting my friend past midnight as usual. And we finally found things we have in common!!

Because if you know us, then you would know that we are basically opposites.

She is book obsessed and I am boy obsessed 😂

Well what did we find in common you ask?

Well we both like a lot of the same bands/singers!

Some of the bands we had found out we had in common were Linkin Park, Simple Plan, Paramore, and a few others.

(I was so happy when she said she liked Simple Plan because I LOOOOOVE them!)

And we both like rock music and black!

Ok sorry just had to put that out there 😜

So instead of blabbering on like usual, I will just quickly list the things I was gonna talk about and or did today.

What I was gonna talk about:

-I missed seeing High School Musical 3 on TV tonight 😪 (even though I own it)

-I saw a giant blow up rat holding cheese outside of a shopping center (protesters were around it)

-I went bowling

-I texted two of my friends all day again

-I had to go to Target for my brother and sister's birthday photo shoot (it's like a family tradition)

-I wore an awesome punk ish outfit

-I got my new iPod's case

-I got Emblem3's CD

-I drooled over a 1D magazine with the cutest photo shoot EVER taken of them in it 😍 (Addy, you know exactly what I'm talking about xD)

Ya, a pretty lame day. But not uncommon for me 😎

So the only thing that I'm gonna "rant" on today is a little movie I saw on TV tonight.

It was a Roodoff movie! Sounds good so far, right?

Right. Until you find out that it's a New Years Rudolph movie.

I don't know about anyone else, but that really bothers me. Rudolph is a Christmas character, not some stupid New Years one!!

And it gets worse.

I know, how can it get much worse?? Kidding.

I only saw the ending of the movie, but that was enough to make me hate it.

What I saw at the ending was Rudolph with his group of friends who consisted of Ben Franklin, a cave man, and someone else who I forgot. (Like seriously, why them?!)

Apparently they were off to save New Years or something and they had to find some New Years baby.

So they find the baby and the baby is in the mountains and he has a giant top hat on to cover is freakishly large ears. And Rudolph was persistent to make him take the hat off for who knows what reason. Then Rudolph was explaining to the baby how his ears make people happy and told the baby his life story. Then the baby says the word happy and some vulture that was holding the baby captive or something starts getting all angry. Then the vulture sees the baby's ears and starts laughing and falls off the mountain. Then Rudolph and the baby go back down the mountain to his group of friends and Santa comes to take them to the time keeper or something so they won't be late. Then the time keeper person gives the baby his crown and everyone breaks into song.

The end!!

Like, no. Just no.

Maybe if I saw the whole movie then I would understand it more, but I would still hate it.

I don't know why. That movie makes me mad and annoyed for some unknown reason.

Well enough with that!

So before I go I just wanted to do a shout out thing! I'll be doing a few shout outs throughout my blogs.

So today's shout out goes to @BookPineapple ! She is an amazing author, funny, awesome, and my bestie! Thanks for keeping me entertained past midnight even though I'm super tired in the morning! 😂 And thanks for being there for me and for being an awesome friend! Love ya girl! In a friend way 😉

Check out her stories! They are amazing!

Well that's it for today! Sorry it was kinda short and all over the place. I didn't wanna spend a lot of time typing this because my iPods about to die and I'm kinda hyper. Excuse any mistakes, I don't feel like editing 😄

Btw I will be updating I Want You Bad soon! Please check it out if you haven't :)

Thanks so much for reading! Xx

"You think no one understands you because you don't ask for guidance. You think no one loves you because you don't love anyone in return. You think you are all alone because you don't find a friend. You're life and thoughts reflect off your choices. Make choices that will make your life what you want it to be. You are never on your own." ~Crystal (me!)


A Hyper Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now