Awkward Moments; 1/10-11/14

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, my iPod died, my family was on the computers, and I had to go to bed early -.-

But I have returned!

So I'll briefly describe what I did yesterday.

Are you ready for this??

It's pretty epic!


So yesterday I had to preform for fifth graders again. But I got to miss all of second period because of it!

The performance went a lot better than Thursday's. Except that I had to carry a trombone, tuba, and music folder all at the same time to the theater and back.

Do you know how hard that is?

Lemme just say it's VERY VERY VERY hard.

I almost killed a bunch of little kids 😂

But anyways!

After all the performances I had to change cloths and be a student ambassador. Which just meant showing the fifth graders around our school and talking about the electives.

Which I got to skip all of third period for that! And a test!

So that was basically my day!

Now onto today.

Sooooooo I had to wake up early to be a student ambassador again.

Waking up early to come to school on a weekend should be illegal! Like seriously!

Except today was the BIG open house to all fifth graders and their families interested in applying to our school.

There were like a thousand people there.

The beginning was easy, I just had to greet people that were coming in. But when it got to the tour part, lets just say it was super hectic and not fun.

Imagine guiding forty people around your school, trying to describe each elective and not loose your group along the way.

And your group has no questions what so ever about anything.

And your partner doesn't really help you until the end.

Plus the fact that your shy with strangers.

Sounds like a blast, huh? 👍

Ya no.

I ended up loosing half the people and making a pretty crappy and boring tour.

But what ever I guess.

Oh ya and all the kids stole all the cookies! There were like six huge containers!

I really wanted a cookie 😔🍪


Oh ya and I found out the teacher's lounge has a vending machine for coffee! 😱

It was pretty cool 😜

But anyways! After we were done at the school, I went home and then went to pick my friend up to go to my brother and sister's birthday party.

My mom let me invite her so I wouldn't be a loner 😄

So we were there for a few hours roller skating. And stuffing my face with cotton candy. And like four slices of pizza. And two pieces of cake. And a bunch of soda.

And I wasn't even hungry! haha

Soooooooo that was basically my two days!

Now into today's topic.......

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now