Your Style; 1/20/14

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No school today!!

Whoop whoop!!!

Thank you MLK for doing all those awesome things you did and just being you, man!

Kidding, I know what he actually did.

Kinda 😜

Soooooooooo today I did nothing! Except go to the grocery store.

And listen to my little brother act like a teenage girl.

He gots some mood swings! 😂

I completely forgot what my topic for today was gonna be!

Or anything that I was gonna talk about!

I need to start writing this stuff down o.o

Because my brain is obviously failing me lol

I swear, Matt Espinosa is seriously the funniest person to ever walk this planet.

This wonderful, polluted planet that is dying or what ever.

Well that's a nice thought...... 🌍

Everyone says Matt looks like Justin Bieber.

I don't see it though........ *stares deeply at him*


I heard a 33 year old man payed $100,000 to look like JB.

He doesn't really look like him.

I thought of a topic!

Your Style

People say you can tell what a person is like based on their style.

I don't think that's true.

I wear a lot of black and dark cloths, but that doesn't mean I'm all depressed or anything like people might think.

A girl wearing bright and girly cloths could be lonely and bullied, but people wouldn't assume that.

That boy who wears sweatshirts everyday doesn't necessarily cut. Or the boy who wore pink today might not be gay like you thought.

Your style is about expressing yourself and your interests and likes. It's what your comfortable with. But society puts labels on people for being themselves.

That girl with three colors in her hair isn't a freak. And the girl who wears skulls and studded items isn't one either.

You can't tell a person's personality by their choice in style. You can't tell what they've been through or their true feelings either.

You can't bully someone for something you've only assumed to be true.

That boy you called a nerd today because of his grades and glasses?

He may be depressed and self harm. He may have lost someone close to him recently and had no one to turn to for support.

So I guess what I'm just saying is,


Fuck those labels society may have put on you 😄

You are beautiful no matter what you look like!

It's what's on the inside that counts.


Sorry for this turning into a rant.

It is a serious topic though because people get bullied for it everyday.

Thanks for reading!





A Ranting Teenager


Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now