6/3/14; Hyperventilating

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"That moment when someone replies to your snapchat and you forget what the heck you sent them."

Hey people of Wattpadia!

So tomorrow is the last day of school for me.

It still hasn't hit me that I will never see any of these people again. I still have mixed emotions on me transferring.

I'm only going to miss.... 4 people anyways cx

I'm almost positive that I will cry tomorrow. And it's not helping that none of the people that I'm texting will reply. Wow, I feel the love 😒 (Not you Addy whoops)

I have my math and history exams tomorrow. I'm already on the verge of not doing super in those classes, and based on my exam scores that I've gotten already, I'm freaking out. Majorly.

So I have no idea why I'm posting this when I should be studying. Oh well.

I don't know why I'm telling y'all this, you probably don't care what so ever.

Oh yeah! I'm going to be posting a new short story soon! It will be an Ashton Irwin fan fiction. So keep your eyes out for it 👀

Until next time...


Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now