Sick again?; 2/12/14

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So another quick blog cuz I feel really sick .-.

Well nothing out of the ordinary happened at school today except I found out yesterday my science teacher had her baby! She's sadly not coming back till next year though :(

Oh and this guy gave me a wooden rose that my school is selling for valentines day. He was giving them to many girls so it's not like it meant he likes me or anything, but it was still sweet ;)

And that was my day. Plus getting sick at the beginning of school. And finally getting out of one of my group projects!! I can finally do my own! Lol if you knew my partner and what was happening then you would know why I'm so happy.

Well byeeeee! Sorry this was short and lame :/ If I stay home sick tomorrow then there will be a longer update maybe.

Oh yeah! Tomorrow I'm posting my new Harry Styles fanfic! I'm really excited for this one :D

And I've hit over 100 total votes from both of my books!! I don't vote for any of my updates on either, so it makes me even happier that I've reached 100 without my own votes!

Thanks for reading!





A Grateful Teenager o.o

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now