Thank You!; 2/2/14

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I was meaning to update over the weekend but I was busy.

Doing what you say? Or you don't say?

Welllllllllll, on Saturday I went to Natalie's little brother's birthday party.

It was minion themed!

And I went to Taco Bell and Cold Stone.

Yesterday I went to church and then the mall with Addy!

We only ended up going to two stores, and got like three bracelets, and got smoothies. But oh well, it was still really fun.

That was my weekend! Along with doing a lot of homework of course.

So now I'm in first and second period doing a practice test for a state test we have in a few months.

I'm about to die of boredom. Like for realz 😄

My teacher is gonna get mad at me...... so bye.

Now I'm on the bus! Whoop whoop! Kidding. The bus is not "whoop whoop" worthy.

So, yeah. I'm listening to Avril Lavigne. Because she's all awesome like that 😁

I honestly have no idea what to talk about in this update.

I used to have a ton of topic ideas, but now I don't.

It's like my mind went blank. Which it probably did. That explains a lot.... kidding.

Recently I haven't felt like texting a ton like I used to. I'd rather just talk to someone in person or just a little over text. It's like I'd rather just sit and do nothing at all. Really.

Is that weird? It's really weird to me. I don't get it 😶

And the past few days I've been wanting to write a ton of chapters for I Want You Bad.

I wish I could make it sound professional and interesting and funny like a lot of books I've read on here.

Speaking of I Want You bad, I finally updated it!

It would mean a lot if you read it.

Thank you so much to everyone who is already reading it!

And, this blog has hit over 200 reads!

Thank you so much for reading! Ilysm ☺️

It's not many reads compared to many books, but it's a start!

Well, that's about it!

I know this wasn't that interesting, I'm going to come up with a topic for my next update.


A Cold Teenager ~.~

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now