Good Day! 2/28/14

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Funny day!

Good day!

For the first time in forever!


Frozen is life I swear.

So! Yesterday I had a band rehearsal and concert. We had to stay after school between the rehearsal and concert. But I don't care, because everyone is always so hyper and funny before a concert!!

I'm not gonna go on about the damn history bowl yesterday. Lol

Today! Today. Was. So. Funny. And. Awesome. Like. Wow. Impressive.

0-4 period was lame and boring. Lunch! LUNCH WAS THE FUNNIEST MOMENTS OF MY LIFE I SWEAR!!!!!

Why you ask? Well! These two guys that sit with me and Natalie at lunch were there again. We talked, I punched one of them a lot as usual, blah blah blah. But what was so funny was that the two guys were acting all gay and stuff and it was so funny!

My stupid laugh was showing. Haha

Example: the one that I always punch took Natalie's lunch box. Not a shocker. The other guy tried taking it back, and he was trying to grab it and the one that took it was like "I don't like to be touched there!" in the loudest voice ever and OMFG I WAS DYING!

Another example (the funniest one): he took Natalie's lunch box again but ran outside this time. The other guy ran after him and I followed them. The one tried taking if back, but he was being held all weirdly and being dragged backwards. It looked like they were hugging or something. So the one that had the lunch box kept saying "This is not gay, this is not gay!" I was dying again, and the one that was trying to take it back ran and jumped off of this pole that stands upright, causing the two of them to fall into a wall on top of each other. They ran after each other and I ran up to them, past this group of guys they hang out with sometimes. They were doing other stuff to fight over the lunch box, while I stood there laughing my head off like a complete idiot. The group of guys looked at me like I was nuts, and then saw the two guys and all started laughing too. OK IM GONNA END THIS STORY HERE BECAUSE IT SOUNDS CONFUSING ON PAPER BUT JUST KNOW IT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER OKKKKK??

Oh and one last thing was that the one that took the lunch box, fell into me because someone pushed him. I was like "You almost tripped." He was like "No.. I almost.. fell in love with you." I was like THE FUCK?!??!?!? in my head lol.

Well enough with that!!


Ok I'm gonna shut up now! Cuz next thing I know, I'm gonna be babbling on about my weird texts with another guy.

So ya! Hope I didn't bore you to death!!

It's cuz I'm hyper off burnt marshmallows and cherry coke....



A Hyperly Weird Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now