Book Updates; 4/21/14

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Good evening ladies and gents.

Just some quick updates on what I've been up to on Wattpad.

So, I am officially deleting my Riker Lynch fan fiction, I Want You Bad. All the details are explained in the new author's note. I will be deleting this on Friday.

I just posted my quote book, Depression Quotes and Other Things. (Why did I put such a log title...?) Please check it out? :)

I will hopefully be posting a preview for my new dark Riker Lynch fan fiction soon. There are possibilities that I won't post this story. It all depend on if I can come up with a plot line that I will enjoy writing. This story will officially come out later this year, but the preview will be out sooner.

And I am working on a chapter of Run!

That's all for now, thank you for reading all of my stories! xx

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now