Love Note Don'ts; 3/10/14

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Hey therezzzzzzzz!

I wasn't planning on updating, but today was actually funny. Well, fifteen minutes of it.

So my friend, the guy that I think likes me, got a note from an anonymous girl. And it was saying stuff about how she likes him.

Let me just say, it was the funniest note, especially love note, in the history of notes. Of all time. Like omg I was dying there in the middle of ELA laughing so much that I literally started balling!!!

He didn't want me to read it, but my other friend stole it and we were reading it and laughing to death and making fun of it.

I'm not gonna put some of the things that was in it, because I have some human decency. Maybe just a little. Jk

But he didn't have it with him that afternoon, my other friend still had it, so I couldn't read the rest of it 😭 kidding

He kinda seemed offended, but oh well. We have a interesting friendship where we always make fun of each other, so yeah. Hopefully he knows that I'm always kidding about it.....

Oh and my other friend made him sign a thing that said that he will die not married and a virgin. Omfg that was so funny too. My ELA class probably thinks I have laughing problems.... 😜

He said, "No I won't! I'll find someone and-"

I interrupted him saying, "Your right. Your going to find someone and rape them."

Then he punched me (like a little girl) right as my bitchy math teacher came in my ELA classroom and started yelling 😂

............... O.o

Anyways! Since I'm already updating, i guess I shall put the other stuff I wanted to say 😁

Online shopping. I'm. Done. With. It. For now.

There have been SO many things the past few weeks that I wanted to buy online, and they always go out of stalk really quickly!!!! It annoys me sooooo much -.-

Divergent products.... they are life. Jk but I really want a few Divergent products from Hot Topic. Hot Topic is amazing. It is also life. Lol

That is it, my little children!! 😄

Off to listen to more Simple Plan. It is also life. Literally. Hehe....


A Ranting Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now