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Hey der.

Ok so super quick blog today cuz I've been studying and practicing instruments and going to restraunts all night.

So ya!

I had science and advanced band tests today.

The science was super easy like I thought it would be. I got A's on both parts.

My band director didn't even get to my playing part of my advanced band test today.

But that's what you get when your last on the alphabet in a class of 60+ people 😁

And in jazz band he didn't even do anything for our tests.

Which I should be grateful for.

Because I absolutely suck at my jazz band playing tests.

And I didn't finish the multiple choice/written part of the band tests.

But what everzzzzzzzzz.

So ya that was my day.

Omfg I hate my bus SO MUCH.

Mommy, can u pwease come pick me up from school tomorrow??? Lol

Ugh now off to study for history some more!

At least tomorrow is the last day of exams.

But that also means the last half day.

And that means my three most stressful and most likely to fail, tests.

Why do they give us exams?! Are they really expecting me to remember everything from the beginning of the year??

I can't even remember what I had for breakfast!

But seriously, I can't o.o

Ok now bye! Off to study some more (ughhhhh) and eat my McFlurry! 🍦






A Work-a-holic Teenager?✌️✌️✌️

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now