Boring?; 1/1/14

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Hola amigo!

That's right, I know a few Spanish words. Be impressed with my mad skill 😏

Well, it's the first day of 2014! I still can't believe it. Lol

I don't get why people celebrate New Years so much. I think it's just their excuse to get drunk and party 😂 Expecially where I live.

Well anyways, today was not the best day for me. I just wanna scream into my pillow and punch something. I don't completely know why.

Yup, it was one of those days.

Usually those are just on school days though. Hahah

Well before I go onto today's topic I'll say a little about what I did today.

That's right, I'm switching things up. Sorry for the confusion. Just kidding.

Well today I had to stay at my grandparent's house all day because of family stuff. So I watched the third High School Musical (Zac Effron actually looked really cute in that one! And I remember begging my mom to take me to see it in theaters when I was little 😄), had to do a lot of chores for my grandma, went to Target, went to some Mexican food restraunt, and got a shake.

Sounds like a pretty good day but it still wasn't great.

But I did text two of my friends almost all day which did make my day kind of better 😉

Wait, I just need to take a minute to discuss a very serious topic.......

About Zac Effron 😂

Ok so the reason why I keep talking about him is because he was my first celebrity crush. I used to be obsessed with him. I used to think he was absolutely amazing and cute. So now I'm looking back at those memories and thinking "what was I thinking back then??"

Did I already talk about that a few days ago? I might have.

Oh ya, I saw something on Google that I thought was hilarious.

It said, "Thank you Zac Effron for being the only Disney star to not continue on with music after Disney."

Or something like that.

It was so true and funny though 😜

Ok now onto today's topic before I find something else related to him to talk about.

Ugh I just thought of something!

I won't say it though *zips lips*.

Ok so today I decided to talk about New Years resolutions because I couldn't think of anything else to talk about.

That's nice, huh? Lol

So I've never made New Years resolutions before (except once or twice because I was forced to for school) because I know that I won't try to succeed at them.

Wow that's pretty sad Crystal 😐

So any who, my New Years resolutions for 2014 are:

-Be a better friend, family member, and person

-Be more comfortable and accepting with myself

-Get straight A's

-Play the trombone better

-Have a better attitude towards life and what happens in it

-Eat way healthier

-Be more gracious and giving

-Go on my phone and iPod less

-Don't buy too much unneeded stuff

I would have said something like, "be skinnier and prettier" but please, that will never happen. Kidding

Now let's see how long it takes for them to brake 😝

I'm guessing one week for at least one to be broken.

That's pretty sad. Again.

I don't really know what what else to talk about now. I'm really tired for some reason so I guess I'll go to sleep before midnight for once 😁

Gosh I update my profile pic a lot. I think my new one from today is my third or forth in the past two weeks o.o

Well that was random.........

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I might not be able to update this tomorrow. It depends if I have wifi or a computer to go on.

Sorry for the short and boring blog today! Have a great new year and be safe! Xx

"Another day brings new struggles and conflicts. Another year brings new opportunities to change your past." ~Crystal (me)


A Boring Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now