Tired; 2/10/14

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So quick blog. I'm typing this super quickly so sorry if there are any mistakes.

Wellllll on Saturday I texted people. No shocker there. And I went to In-N-Out!! I love that place sooooooo much 😄

Sunday I didn't go to church because my dad wanted to take my brother to race RC cars o.o So my mom, sister, and me went to a couple of stores. I actually got out of the house for once on a weekend! Score Crystal! 😜

I went to Clair's on Sunday! I don't know why, but I've been so obsessed with that place. Mostly for their earrings. And I've recently started to like bows a lot. Again. But only certain bows. Ya, I'm weird.

And today was school. Nothing else to say. I failed a band playing test. Ugh, curse you nerves! I got pissed off in history. Usual for that class though. And I found out Friday was my science teacher's last day before she left for maturity leave 😭

She was the only teacher I didn't hate what so ever!! She made science fun for once!

Don't get me wrong, science has always been my favorite subject. But the last few years, especially last year, science wasn't fun at all.

Probably the only great thing out of today was that I finally had a good hair day. And I rode this bus with Addy! (I know your out there Addy 😈😂)

So that's the Story Of My Life.


Ok I'm done.

Ima sleep now. Sleep is nice. So is donuts.

I'm really tired as you can probably tell from the way I was talking through today's blog.

See you at 5:00 a.m., stupid world! I shan't miss you!

But I'll miss you, you beautiful reader you 😁


Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now