School -.- ;1/6/14

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Yeah, that's my intro. I'm kinda running out of good intros 😁

Sooooooo, school started today. Kill me now! I'm gonna be dead soon anyway.

On second thought, don't kill me. I kinda want to live a whole longer. Yeahhhhhh.

So I thought about doing this thing because I'm in school and have a ton of homework at night and probably can't come on much. So I was thinking about writing little bits through out the school day (because they let us on electronics in some classes) and on the bus, and that will be my blog.

Yes? No? Ok I'm gonna do that anyway. Or at least for today.

So here I go! 😜

9:42 a.m.

So right now I'm in second period ELA. We are reading a very boring and stupid book. I'm not even paying attention. I think it's talking about fish? Or poison gas? I don't know. I just really hope they won't call on me to read. Or my teacher doesn't get mad for being on here. But I don't think she's paying attention to any of us. She is like 80 or something, after all.

This one guy is trying to take my iPod. He's been doing this for like a month straight. It's annoying. And I think he likes me 😱

Oops gotta go now the period is over!

12:03 p.m.

I'm at lunch now! My only moment free of stupid teachers!

Come on, you know it's true *pokes you with a stick*


I just ate a cookie!! Yay!! haha

Ugh I have math next 😡

Let's hope I survive my mean teacher!

2:34 p.m.

On the busssssss and it's boringgggg and my head hurtsssss.

That was a beautiful song I just sang ⬆️

I'm the next American Idol! Kidding

I'm listening to Simple Plan on shuffle right now.

Partially because they are the only thing I have downloaded onto my iPod. Lol

Sooooooo today we got our new seats in jazz and symphonic band. I'm first chair in both!

If you don't know, then the chair you are in is based on how good you play and your score in that class. First chair is the best player for your instrument and last chair is the worst.

I'm defiantly not the best player in jazz band because I started learning trombone this year and I can't play high notes very well, but it's still cool that I'm first even though I have been one other time this year 😉

And I've been playing tuba for two years now so it's not as big of a shocker that I'm first chair in symphonic band. Also because this is like the forth time this year that I have. Lol

But now I'm not sitting next to my crush in symphonic band! Again! 😭

Kidding I'm not that sad. Just slightly less 😅

Why am I talking so much about band??

Well my topic for today is music anyway so what ever :p

Sooooooo music is amazing.

Well that sounded stupid.

But music is a good relief of your feelings. There's a song out there for every emotion you may be feeling. I don't know about anyone else, but I listen to music when ever I'm sad or angry.

So when I'm being a normal teenage girl! Haha kidding.

You can express your self through music. What you like, how you feel, your personality, etc.

Also, playing music is a good relief.

For me at least.

There's just something about playing music that feels awesome.

For me at least.

I don't know if that's normal for other people though 😜

Even though band is SO stressful and aggravating, I still love it.

So yeah.

Besides tuba and trombone, I also play bass guitar. But I haven't played it in a while, sadly.

People say I'm obsessed with band, is that true?? Kidding

Soooooo some of my favorite artists that I like are One Direction, R5, Simple Plan, Emblem3, Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, Paramore, Panic! At The Disco, and Fall Out Boy.

People think it's weird how I like all rock music basically (and classic rock too) and then they hear that I like a few boy bands 😜

And they also sometimes get surprised because I don't wear bright colors most of the time.

"Yeah, I'm not as much like me as everyone thinks." ~Layla off of Teen Beach Movie

Oh no, I'm quoting Disney now!! 😱

Somebody, help me! Kidding

Well that's it for today!

✌️Peace out✌️


A Bored Teenager

(I'm running out of good names too!)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now