New story?; 2/4/14

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Hey person!

Quick blog because I have a ton of homework due on Friday.

Most importantly a huge science project due Friday that I haven't even started.

Like argidosbflaohbflsb I'm so stressed.

And I have like six tests this week. Literally. Maybe more even. I don't know.

Well enough with school!

I have ideas for a new story. I'm not giving any details though!

I just don't know if I wanna write it because I don't get many reads. And I wanna make the new one sound much more professional and better, so it will take a lot more time and work.

If I do choose to post it, it may be over summer or breaks so I will have time to make it sound the best it can be (:

And hopefully I Want You Bad will start sounding better then, too.

I just get worried people won't like my writing if it doesn't sound all professional and detailed...

So yeah!

Also, I won't be updating this blog until Friday or Saturday because of my massive homework load.

Sorry! School comes first ~.~

Well g'night!

Love you all for reading!

Please comment if you think I should post another story...

I'll just say that it will be a Harry Styles fan fiction.


Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now