The rest of the questions!

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Welp, I have totally failed at posting this once every hour. Epic, horrible fail.

So, I'm just gonna say all the answers right now!

Cuz I'm a quitter like that. *stands proudly* jk

Question Two

Your views on religion.

I'm religious, and my religion has a big part in my life. However, I don't criticize anyone who is nonreligious or isn't a member of my church. I think everyone has their own opinions on religion and what they believe is to be true.

Bad habits that you have.

Procrastination. It has made my life so much harder.

I'm procrastinating on a TON of homework right now by doing this even. 😄

Also, stressing. I know it's normal to stress over some stuff, but I stress over every little thing I do. It's also made my life harder.

Question Three

Someone you miss.

The first person that comes to my mind is Chloe. She hasn't texted me at all since she moved. 😔

Your best friends are?

Natalie and Addy. But you already knew that.

Question Four

Your fondest memory.

I honestly have no clue. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning!

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would change a lot of things about myself if I could, but probably either my insecurity or shyness.

Question Five

First five songs on shuffle.

Midnight Memories by One Direction

Shut Up by Simple Plan

The Only One by Hot Chelle Rae

Loud by R5

Just Like my Heart Falls by The Click Five

Your best feature is?

I like my hair the best, appearance wise.

Question Six

Your dreams for your future are?

As of now, I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up. I want to be married and have a boy named Tyler James _____ and a girl named Timberly Jay _____ and live in San Diego, California. And I want to play shows as a part time job for fun where I'm playing my instruments.

Your worst feature is?

Appearance wise, I hate my acne the most.

Question Seven

Describe your fashion style.

Well, I'm definably not girly. I wear a lot of black. A normal outfit for me is jeans, a tee shirt, black leather boots or black Vans, a studded belt, and sometimes a lot of bracelets or a bow in my hair.

I really like the emo style, so I try to have that style the best I can with what my parents let me do.

One personal thing about you that other people don't know.

The people that know the most about me and my feelings don't know me in real life.

Question Eight

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now