Geeky; 1/8/14

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Hello there Marsian!

Take that as a compliment 😋

So I didn't do the thing throughout the day like I did the past few days, as you can see.

Unless you can't see.

Are you blind sir??


Do you know why I said sir? Wait never mind no one that's reading this would know why because they don't know the story.

So erase your mind from my last question!

Sooooooo I was really annoyed at my mom this morning. More than usual that is. Kidding


So why was annoyed you ask?

Well I had an orthodontist appointment this morning, so I had to miss school. Well yesterday my mom said that I didn't have to go to school at all today. Then she made me go to school!

My complaining worked at first to not go to school. Then she changed her mind again 😡

Well that was basically my day! Getting pissed at my mom for making me go to school with aching teeth, then having a bad day at school as usual!

But science wasn't that bad. I actually really really like science.

Basically the only teacher that I don't hate 😄


Sorry, I just tried eating M&M's and hurt my teeth soooooo much!!

Curse you braces! I can't even eat chocolate anymore!!


I have SO much homework! My science teacher is crazy for assigning so much!

And my history teacher's final exam study guide is all weird and messed up!

And my math teacher is just crazy and mean!

I have nothing bad to say about my ELA teacher though 😁

Oh and my band teacher is crazy for making us do so many playing tests!

Why am I talking about my insane teachers??

Ok welllll my topic for today is quotes again!

Today the quotes are going to be about school.

And not some lame educational quotes.

Nuh uh. Not gonna happen 😂

So here they are!

"Why do we need school? Music: We have YouTube for that. Sport: There's Wii. Spanish: There's Dora. English: Everything's shortened anyway. (LOL, BRB, IDK). Geography: I'll buy a globe. History: They're all dead anyway." -Unknown

"School: 2+2=4. Homework: 2+4+2=8. Exam: Omar has 4 apples, his train is 7 minutes early, calculate the mass of the sun." -Unknown

"Avoiding eye contact with your teacher hoping you don't get called on." -Unknown

"Thoughts during school: 1: I'm tired. 2: I'm cold. 3: I don't get it. 4: I'm hungry. 5: What time is it? 6: I want to go home." -Unknown

"When I say I miss school, I mean my friends and the fun. Not the school." -Unknown

"Homework: Because 7 hours of school wasn't enough." -Unknown

"Parent: What did you learn today? Student: Apparently not enough. We have to go back tomorrow." -Unknown

"Teacher: Why are you talking during my lesson? Student: Why are you teaching during my conversation?" -Unknown

"Dear kindergarten children, if you don't like nap time, please give it to us. Sincerely, High Schoolers" -Unknown

"If the world really ends in 2012, then I wasted my whole life in school." -Unknown

I have more quotes that I could put down too, but then there would be too many 😝

Well that's it for today! Which quote listed above or not listed above is your favorite?

And do u HATE school?? Because I do. Even though I'm what people say "one of the smartest people in my grade at my school." 😎 lol


A Geeky Teenager

(Btw I just put a dedication and link to a video on yesterday's blog, check it out! Please?)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now