1K Reads! 4/14/14

43 3 2

Hey! I haven't updated in forever. 😱

So today at 3:00 p.m. (and yes I was keeping track), this book reached 1K reads!!

I'm seriously really happy right now, thank you all so so much for reading this!

I seriously love y'all ok just know that.

Now the question is, when can we get this book to 500 votes?

I don't vote on any updates, so it's all relying on you guys!

I know we can do it if we just have a little faith, trust, and pixie dust! 😄

Any who, today was my birthday.

I'm officially a teenager!

Ok now you all know my age. 😑

And if you wondering why I called this blog "Sincerely, A Not So Average Teenager" when I wasn't an actual teen yet... then think of how stupid it would sound as something like "Sincerely, A Girl" or some shit like that. 😝

Any ways, today was a really boring birthday. But at least I had no school!

Ok I have to go pack a lot of bags now.

I probably won't be updating tomorrow.

Thanks again for 1K!

(And thanks Addy for the birthday shoutouts today!)


A Not So Average (actual) Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now