Movies; 1/18/14

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Hey personage!

I finally remembered what I was gonna talk about yesterday!

I'm so smart 😎

lol so yesterday I finally watched Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters!!

Me and my friend had been waiting for three years for it to come out in theaters so we had kinda a fangirl attack when we saw it would be in theaters 😜

And OMG the characters had grown up so much!!

Luke looked pretty attractive now.

And Percy wasn't that bad looking 😏 haha

But seriously, was that the same actor that played Annabeth??

She was a brunette in the first movie and a blonde in the second.

And she had bright blue eyes in the second movie, which I'm pretty sure she didn't have those in the first.

The only thing that slightly looked the same from the two was their face shapes o.o

But anyways!

It was a different actor that played Chiron in the second movie from the first.

And Percy's sword was different from the first.

The movie wasn't as much like the book as I had hoped, but it was still awesome!

I loved Charisse's character.

I always seem to really like the characters with the "I don't care" attitude for some reason.

The course thing in the beginning of the movie was like extreme Wipeout 😁

And they played My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy during that part!

Ok I need to shut up about this movie or else this blog will never end.

Sooooooo I went shopping today!

I only went to two stores but it was better than nothing!

I got cloths and an awesome bag that says "Donuts make me gonuts!"

Finally, a bag that speaks the total truth haha

Isn't it so awkward when your in the juniors section of a cloths store and all of a sudden a lady in her thirties-forties walks up and starts looking at the same cloths as you?

Like, Miss, you can not wear that or make that look good. Your not a teenager anymore. I'm sorry. I believe there is a section called misses aka women's over there. You might want to check that out.

Am I the only one who has experienced that multiple times??

Come on, don't be shy! Talk to Crystal!

She doesn't bite!

Unless your a donut.

Then there is no hope for you.

But your not a donut.

Wait, are you?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

*Poke you*

Feels like a donut.......


Double sided posters.




Only if it's of like a band that I like and on the other side is one of the band members.

Why do they do this to me???? 😭 jk

But if the poster on the other side is of some artist that I don't like, then it's perfectly fine!

*Puts side of poster with artist I don't like on wall* Die die die!!!!

..........Well that was harsh.

My dad is playing video games and it's 11:00 pm.

I don't need to hear you killing zombies or Koreans or what ever this late at night, dad!

If I come running into your room tonight crying, then daddy gave me nightmares.

That's right, I know where you live.


About nightmares and stalking you 😂

I went to my best friend's little brother's "practice birthday party" today.

Long story about why he had this party.

They had a minion cake!!!!!!

It was so amazing!!!!!

It was a giant minion.

Minions are amazing.

They're like bananas with glasses and overalls!

Bananaaaaaaaa............ 🍌

This is a banana ➡️🍌

Not this ➡️🍑

Because this is a giant red butt ➡️🍑

Bananas are giant yellow.........

Ya I can only think wrongly right now about bananas 😆

Bananas are giant yellow bananas.

There we go! That's what they are.


Thank you so much for reading!

I'm about to fall asleep right now! 😴


A Lovely Teenager

Kidding, I'm not lovely. 😝

Kidding. Again

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now