6/29/14; LGBTQ Month

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This retarded bra broke just now and it's new like wtf.


Anywho, yesh, I survived camp and it was the best week of my life.

I don't wanna go next year tho cuz it's gonna suck a donkey's butt. Like no. Go back to the way it was this year.

But that's not the point.

So today I learned that this month was LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning) pride month.

I'm a big LGBTQ supporter unlike all of my family and probably most of my church.

I don't see why people don't support them. You love who you love and you can't change that. They were born this way. *i was born this way, hey!*

If God doesn't love them, like many people think, then why did he make them this way? Besides, God loves all his children equally no matter what.

This is a really touchy subject to me and I fight for my opinion on it cuz I'm stubborn and what not.

I've known many lesbians and bisexual girls, and they are just like the rest of us. So why do people hate them so much?

Because they hate what's different.

I think it's awesome that they have their own pride month. If I had known about it earlier I would have done something related to it. (Jk probably not cuz I don't want to be beat by my dad or something crazy cuz he scares me and oops)

I hope I live to see the day that same sex marriage is legalized all over the world. This is just a repeat of history, and I know that someday it will happen. It may take hundreds of years like slavery and black rights did, but I have hope.

So yeah, that was my really bad rant. It would have been better but I'm tired for no reason and all zoned out.


A few things!

So as you may or may not have noticed, I didn't swear in this. I erased a lot of swear words that I wanted to say. I'm trying to get back into my churchly habit of not swearing.....

Also, I want this to be different from a rant book (hence the blog part of it) but I also love doing rants. So for now on, most likely many of these updates will be rants (bear with my craziness now ok)

I forgot what I was gonna say now.

Wow this second part was boring.

Dedicated to a Addy cuz she's a LGBTQ supporter too.

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now