Lazy; 1/17/14

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Forget About You just came on Disney Channel and my sister is singing the freakin wrong words at the top of her voice!!!!!!!!!

Can I kill somethin right now??

Oh ya and hey!!

This blog is probably gonna be short because I have no idea what to talk about.

And my braces are causing a million soars in my mouth.

And I'm super bored and when I'm super bored I get annoyed really easily.

So ya!

I had jazz band, math, and history finals today.


Because I was positive I was going to fail for many reasons that I don't feel like going into detail about lol

And I don't know about my jazz band test yet.

So that was my day!

And getting Subway.

Ughhhhhh my dad is being so frikin annoying and has been all night.

It's only because my mom isn't home.

I honestly don't know what else to say right now o.o

I had a lot of things I was gonna say but then I forgot all of them.

So I guess I'll just have a topic tomorrow!!

Tomorrow is actually not gonna be super boring!

That's gonna be a first for a weekend in a long long time :p

I'm reading two magazines right now.

Soooooooo yeshhhh.

I better go before my dad starts yelling at me again.

So bye!

Sorry for the really short and lame blog.

I'm just super lazy right now and not in a super good mood.

I guess that's not really a good excuse though lol


A Lazy Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now