C u soon? 2/24/14

51 2 1

Hi person!

Today was school. Blah blah blah. Got yelled at in history. Did part of a play in history. It was a trial. I'm a defense lawyer. I was afraid that I would be horrible, but Addy and Natalie said I was the best.

Like whaaaaaaaaat? haha

My teacher seemed happy with my performance for the most part. That was cool.

I was thinking of doing a certain topic today, but of course, this got put off to the last minute and I'm quickly typing this.

I was yelling a lot today. Not like mad yelling, but yelling because I was hyper and cuz, ya I can't explain it. My voice seemed high today though. Weird.

Sorry, I'm really tired right now and I'm really sick so this blog sounds weird.

I'm really stressed for the rest of this week because I have a TON of history and band crap due and happening. Ugh.

I may not post anymore blogs this week because of that.

I'm trying to post a new update for Run and Happily Never After. Hopefully those will be up soon!!

I feel like people will loose interest if I don't post quickly :/

Well, bye!

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Will someone explain to me what's wrong with me......

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now