Crushes -.- 3/8/14

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Ok just as a heads up, I just woke up so this may or may not sound weird. Kaaaaaaaay?? 😄

Well, it's the weekend!!!!!! I'm so happy to get last week over with. Even though it was one of my better weeks. And even though I'm probably going to be at home all day. Again.


So, I keep thinking about this. I'm 99.5% sure that my friend (who is a guy) likes me. He always makes fun of me and tries to annoy me on purpose. He used to sit with me and a few friends at lunch everyday. He claimed it was because he wanted to hang out with my other guy friend, but I doubt that. (He doesn't sit with us anymore because Natalie made us move to a table with no room for him to sit at. Yaaaaa, she kinda hates him.) When ever I said something kind of funny, he would do this shy smile type thing. And when I said that I had a partner for a project already (when he asked me if he could be my parter), he got all sad. I think.

Oh and the fact that I'm pretty sure he was flirting with me yesterday.

AND that when I asked him he hates me (because he acts like he kind of hates Natalie and this other girl sometimes) he said no, kind of looked down, and smiled.

BOYS ARE SO CONFUSING!!!!! Can't he just say that he likes me or not?!?!?

Oh and one last thing. At the beginning of the year when he sat in front of me in one class, he would tell me everyday that I was pretty/beautiful.

Ugh!! lol

Well, I have no courage to tell my new (yes, I said new) crush that I like him. It would be even more awkward than telling any other guy that I like him because I'm actually friends with this guy, and he likes three different girls. I think. He made it sound that way, but was too embarrassed to tell me the truth.

So I guess I can see why the guy that likes me wouldn't tell me if he likes me or not.

Oh and my crush is NOT the guy that likes me. Nope. Not gonna happen 😁

Well, that went onto a bigger rant than I thought it would be o.o

Sorry for my boring un-love life!!!! 😂

I'm going to leave and shut up now.

Oh and speaking of shutting up, I really need to learn when and when not to say things to people. Because then people get really mad at me.

Like with Natalie. But yet she gets over it like five minutes later. If I'm lucky.

Ok what am I talking about?!?!?!?!?

I told ya, I'm still tired because my FATHER AND HIS FRIEND JUST HAD TO WAKE ME UP BY BEING SO FRIKIN LOUD!!!!!!!

Sorry. Again.

Ok bye for realz this time!!


A Confused Teenager

Oh yeah one thing I forgot to mention, I want a new cover for this book. I like the current cover, but it just looks too, plain. Does anyone know someone who makes covers? I don't want to attempt to make another cover for this book. I'm pretty sure it would suck just like the others ^-^ Please comment or message me if you know someone! Thanks xx

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now