The Future... 5/3/14

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Hey! Wow I've missed y'all have you missed me? Nah, you haven't its ok I still love you.

What o.o

Anyways! Sooooo a few days ago in history class, my teacher was talking about life in the 1920s. He showed us a list of slang words that they used back then, and that got me thinking.

What will future generations think of the slang we use today, since we think slang from the past is so stupid.

Some words that I consider stupid and that I hope future people think is stupid also:



-Sweg / sweggy


There's others but I just can't think if them now :p

I also hope future people think our fashion (like sagging and shear clothing) is stupid.

Yeah, I guess you could say I'm very judgmental? I prefer if you don't though...

Now off to write more of a history essay about the future -.- My teacher obviously doesn't know what subject he's teaching.

(Also, I'm sorry for the super slow updates. I'm trying really hard to update Run and Happily Never After soon.)


A Futuristic Teenager (not)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now