Random New Years; 12/31/13

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3.......2.......1....... HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!

So I was thinking about posting this at exactly midnight, but then I'm like nah. Not gonna happen again. Lol

Right now I'm watching the New Years thing live from New York. It's pretty cool I guess. I'm not really paying attention to it though :P

So I decided to reflect on 2013 for today's blog. To be honest, I barley remember anything from 2013. I barely even remember what happened yesterday!

I think I have short term memory loss 😱 Kidding.

So here's some things I can remember from 2013 not listed in chronological order.

-I became friends @BookPineapple

-I became friends with one of my close friends from school

-I got my first B on a report card

-I started liking/obsessing over R5

-I started likening/obsessing over Emblem3

-I went to Sea World for the first time

-I started absolutely hating school

-My taste in cloths changed a lot

-I became less shy

-I learned how to play three instruments

-I had like three crushes 😂

-I almost got detention for the first time

-I made a Wattpad account

-My personality changed a lot

I know there's a ton more things I did and a lot more that were more significant than the ones I listed, but my short term memory loss is taking over!

Wait what's my name??

Where am I??

Who are you??

Just kidding.

Five loud fireworks just went off near my house and I screamed 🙊

That was really pathetic 😁

So lots of people today were like, "I didn't get my New Years kiss. 😔"

I'm here like, "Sucker, I got mine from my pet unicorn. 😏 Mmmhmm, be jealous."

He's a really good kisser <🐴

That's right, this <🐴 is a unicorn.

Isn't he smexy.


What's wrong with me o.o

Please, even Albert Einstein doesn't know the answer. I'm just that complicated.

I'm drinking a lot of Mtn. Dew right now. I might not be able to sleep tonight 🍷

Just pretend this 🍷 is Mtn. Dew and not wine.

Yes, I'm forcing you to use your imagination. I'm terribly sorry. You'll live.

*does imagination rainbow hand thing like Spongebob*

What? It's normal to make Spongebob references!

Am I right?


Hater 😑


Ugh I'm saying "kidding" too much!!

Then stop being sarcastic Crystal!


Did I seriously just have a conversation with myself?

I guess I did.

I'm such a loner 😆

Wait! I have a loner buddy though! So I'm not a loner! Yay! Lol

Oh yeah! I updated I Want You Bad today, please check it out if you haven't! It would mean a lot!


Wait what was I just gonna talk about?

I can't remember.

Maybe I wasn't kidding, maybe I do have short term memory loss 😱

*shugs* Oh well. Haha

*Starts singing Pompeii*

OMG so I was getting stuff out of the car when I got home today, and I thought no one was around so I started singing in the weirdest a ugliest voice ever. Then I turn around and a couple is walking by and so is a group of boys! So I quickly went into my house and as I was I could hear all of them laughing hysterically.

Add "embarrass myself many times" to my list.

Daughtry just preformed Waiting For Superman on the New Years thing 😍

My fave song right now 😉

My other fave songs right now is Miss Jackson by Panic! At The Disco and Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha!

Did I already say that in one of my fast blogs?

If I did than you get to hear it again!

Ugh I have no idea why my parents hate me so much right now 😐

Ok I talked about the stupidest things already! My New Years resolution is complete! Kidding.

Oh ya a few shout outs before I go.......

Congratz @iamaniallgirl and @foreveryoung213 for having your story reach 1k reads!

Congratz @BookPineapple for having your story hit 2k reads!

You guys make my books look so sad 😂

Well byeeeeeeee! Enjoy the last few hours of 2013! Unless it's past midnight where you are.

Wasn't it 2013 where the world was supposed to end?

At the end of last school year we were counting down the minutes until we were all supposed to die 😄

Ok I'll shut up now!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or any other mistakes.

(Timber is being preformed right now! 😱)


A Random Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now