Chapter 2

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(Your POV)

The next half hour I spent with Lauren was actually very pleasant. We talked about random things, but every topic seemed better than the last. I think I could just talk with her all day if I didn't have to leave to get Sammy. Something about her just seemed so familiar to me, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

We're sitting in the trunk of my SUV waiting for her friends to meet us here with their bags. Suddenly, Lauren jumps down and starts waiving her hands above her head. 

"They're walking over here now." She says to me.

Sure enough, I look over to see 4 girls walking towards us. Each of them are holding so many bags that I'm surprised that they can even carry that much weight. I can't help but notice that they look somehow familiar too.

No fucking way.

I look back and forth between them and Lauren, who is looking at me with a wide smile like she knows what I'm thinking.

Fifth Harmony? What the fuck?

I look back to Lauren, and obviously my face shows how confused I am because she starts to laugh.

"Hey! You must be Y/N!" The shortest one says. Ally. I nod, still not able to form words. "Well we finished your shopping and figured that you wouldn't mind if we bought a little extra for you. Hence, the extra bags that we all have."

"Thank you, all of you, so much for doing this for me. You have no idea how much easier you made my life. But I really can't accept anything that you bought with your own money. You really didn't have to do that." I say to them.

"Well then I guess you can't take any of these bags from us." The slightly taller girl next to her says and shrugs. Camila.

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Girl, are you slow or in denial?" The tall blonde asks me. Dinah. Ally places her bags on the ground and slaps Dinah in the arm. "Ow, jeeze. I was just kidding." Dinah laughs.

"Sorry for this rude one." The tall dark skinned girl nods her head toward Dinah. Normani. "What she meant to say was, yes we did buy all of this for you with our own money and you're not allowed to pay us back." Ally reaches into her back pocket and hands me my envelopes that are still full of my money while Normani continues to talk. "And we did this because we wanted to. It's almost Christmas so you can't deny us from doing this for you." Normani smiles and they all nod their heads looking at me expectantly.

I smile so wide that I feel like my face is going to split in half. Tears come to my eyes as I realize that these five girls who have a lot of better things they could do or spend money on chose to help me. A tear rolls down my cheek and instantly I feel Lauren's arm go around my shoulder.

"Thank you guys so much. At least let me cook you dinner to pay you back for doing this. You probably have better places to be, but I really don't feel right accepting this without at least doing something for you."

"Are you kidding me? We would never turn down food. We're totally in, right girls?" Lauren says while taking her arm back. They all agree enthusiastically.

"Okay, great! I just have to pick up Sammy from the school first, so just throw that stuff in the trunk and then you can follow me."

The four girls start piling the bags into my car while Lauren and I stand off to the side. "Do you actually think you could drive us to our car? We're parked on the other side of the mall and our security team is waiting for us there." She asks me.

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