Chapter 7

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(Lauren POV)

I was actually really surprised at how many bathing suits they had in all different styles and sizes.  Y/N said that they had a lot of people in and out of their house over the summer so their collection would grow as people would forget or purposely leave them there.  After she assured us that they were all thoroughly washed, we had no problem picking out ones to wear.  I settled on just a plain black bikini and made my way to the door that lead from the basement right into the pool area. 

The first thing I see is Y/N directly in my line of vision bending down to put a stack of towels on a lounge chair. 

Dayum.  What a view.  Wait, what?  Lauren, get a grip.  First you almost kiss her in the bathroom, and now you're practically eye-raping her just from seeing her ass in a bikini. 

I gulp and unsuccessfully try to look away.  The only thing that pulls me from studying her in that bathing suit is the sound of snickering coming from the pool to my left.  I turn quickly and see Y/N's friends looking at me.  Connor with a smirk and raised eyebrows, and I'm pretty sure Jessie is glaring.

"You alright Lauren?"  Connor asks with a chuckle.  "You looked like you zoned out a little bit."

"What?  Yeah, no, I'm fine.  Just trying to remember where I left my phone."  I nervously chuckle.

"Really?  Because you have a little drool on your chin."  Jessie spits out.  I quickly bring my hand up, only to find that she was just fucking with me.  She rolls her eyes and then starts to walk toward the steps out of the pool.  "And your phone is right there in your hand.  Keep it in your pants.  She's not interested."  And with that she walks over to Y/N and stands right in my line of view from her.  My face instantly heats up in embarrassment.

"I swear I wasn't trying to seem like a creep."  I say looking back to Connor.  He just laughs and shakes his head.

"You're seriously fine.  Even I'll admit she's easy to look at, I find myself staring sometimes."  He laughs and my face turns even redder.  "And don't worry too much about Jessie.  We're both protective over Y/N, but she can be a little overbearing and kind of territorial if I'm being honest.  We've had to pick our best friend up so many times, that we're both just a little tired of her hurting so much." 

He glances over to the two girls when we hear laughter.  I turn to see Jessie pulling Y/N down into her lap and nuzzling into her neck, which is probably tickling her. 

Why does that cause a pain in my chest?  Stop being jealous over a girl you just met Lauren, you have no right. 

I look back to Connor to see him smiling at the encounter before he frowns and sighs.  "Between you and me, I don't think Jessie knows that sometimes it's her causing Y/N the most pain."  He shakes his head while still watching them with a frown still on his face.

"What do you mean?"  I ask him, feeling genuinely concerned for my new friend. 

How can your best friend cause you pain?

"If you don't see it after everyone has had a few drinks, then come to me and I'll gladly fill you in."  He gives me a toothless smile.


Apparently, there's also a fridge built into the rocks by the pool, which is just so fucking awesome.  After a few hours of drinking and hanging out in the pool, the girls and I decide that we can't really drive back to the hotel with the buzzed to drunk conditions that we're in.  Y/N kindly offered for us to stay over and said that they had plenty of room and extra clothes for us to sleep in.  Of course we accepted.

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