Chapter 34.5

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(Your POV)

I watch the five of them sitting out there on stools answering some questions after sound check and I just can't stop thinking about how hot my girlfriend looks.

I'm only in Ireland for the weekend and I plan on making the most out of it.

I don't even hear the question or the other girls' answers but I tune my attention in when that beautiful voice starts talking into the microphone.

"Video calls are important too.  Like Facetime or Skype.  It's one thing to just text someone, and talking on the phone is even better, but to in some form have that face-to-face communication makes you feel like you're not really that far away, you know?  So, yeah, the video calling is definitely my favorite."  Lauren says and looks toward me winking.

Video calling is without a doubt Lauren's favorite thing.  The amount of late night video calls that I have to lock my door and use headphones for can definitely attest to that.

"And it helps when you think about how this situation isn't forever and we have our people come to visit us from time to time.  We're like a family so when anyone comes to visit one of us we all get excited because we're close to them too.  Like when Y/N and Connor showed up this morning with baby Caiden it was like our own family came even though they were hogged by Lauren and Camila we got to see our friends and little godson so we have those moments to look forward to." Normani added.

The crowd awed and then next person asked if we were here at the stadium.

"Y/N is right over there hiding."  Dinah points at me and I internally roll my eyes.

I'm not trying to be on stage in front of all of these people to have pictures and videos of me floating around the internet when I look like this.  Especially since I'm getting horny just looking at my girlfriend and thinking about those video chats, I don't know how I'd control myself being out there with her.

Before I can even protest, Ally drags me onto the stage and I wave to the small crowd before hugging all of the girls again like I did when I met them here at the stadium.

Some girl shouts something and Camila responds saying something about how it's baby Caiden's nap time so he and Connor are back at the hotel.  I don't even focus on anything when Lauren pulls me into her lap and pecks my cheek as her one arm goes around my waist and the other rests on my thigh.

Just that skin on skin contact on my bare thigh has my center throbbing in my ripped jeans.

I place my hand on hers and lean back until my face is close to her ear.

"I want you so bad right now, Laur." I whisper without moving my lips so that only she can hear it and see her quirk an eyebrow.

I close my eyes and breathe through my nose when she lightly scratches the skin of my leg.

Lauren giggles lightly and kisses my cheek.  "We'll be out of here and back at the hotel before you know it, baby." She says lowly.

Trying to focus on anything but the body you're pressed up against is almost impossible when you just want that body.

Finally, when the last question is answered I stand up quickly and grab Lauren's hand to walk backstage while she laughs and waves to the crowd with her free hand.

I find an empty room that looks like a dressing room and pull my girlfriend inside, pushing her up against the door and attacking her neck with my mouth.

"Babe." She chuckles but it turns into a moan when my hand comes up under her shirt at the same time that I suck harshly on her collarbone.

Thank God she doesn't wear a bra unless she has to.

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