Chapter 19

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*time jump*
February 14th

(Your POV)

I honestly didn't think Bre had that much power where we work, but she somehow got me a couple of days off so I could fly out to LA to be with Lauren for our first Valentine's Day.

Where was this power when I was stressing over only getting a day off to go Christmas shopping??

I hopped off the plane at LAX and made my way to the baggage claim before jumping into a taxi.

Lauren couldn't pick me up because the girls are out working for a few hours this morning, so I'm just meeting her at the LA house that they rent together.  Apparently Camila wasn't feeling well this morning, so she should be at the house when I get there.

I pay my driver and walk into the beautiful home.  Following the directions through the house that Lauren gave me to get my stuff to her room, I pass an open door that happens to be a bathroom and see/hear Camila on her knees worshipping the porcelain goddess.

I drop my bag and run back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and bring it into the bathroom.  Placing the glass on the sink while she still empties the contents of her stomach, I crouch down next to her to free her face of the stray hairs that fell out of her messy bun.  I rub her back soothingly when she starts dry-heaving.

This is like reverse déjà vu.

Any humorous thoughts that were in my head get replaced with ones of worry when Camila starts sobbing.

I pull her body into mine on the floor as she shakes from crying so hard.  Not being grossed out after having a 5-year-old sister that I've been raising for almost a whole year, I pull away enough to wipe her mouth and nose with a tissue and flush it down the toilet.

When she calms to just tears and whimpers, I grab the water glass and tell her to drink some.  She unclenches her hands from my shirt to accept it and I wipe her tears away after she finishes half of the cup.

"What's wrong Cami?"  I ask softly while still holding her.

She looks up into my eyes with her red and puffy ones and starts to silently cry again as her lip trembles.  I pull her back into me and gently rock her back and forth, thinking that maybe she's just overwhelmed by being so sick and needs a minute to calm down.  That is until I hear her soft and raspy whisper that makes me halt my movement.

"I think I'm pregnant."

It takes me a minute to completely register what she says, but when I do I gently lift up her chin to get her to look into my eyes so I can make sure this isn't just a joke she's trying to play.

"What do you mean, you think?  Did you take a test?"  I ask the brown-eyed girl in a soft whisper.

She slightly shakes her head before answering in the same volume. "I'm late.  I thought that maybe it was just because we just started working again, sometimes I get irregular when I go from break to work, so I didn't think much about it at first especially since we've used condoms every time.  But I've been feeling nauseous and throwing up these past few days."

"Okay.  How do you feel right now as far as your stomach goes?  Are you going to throw up again?"  I take her hand in mine.

She shakes her head and sniffles while looking at our hands.  I slowly stand up and bend down to pick her up bridal style to bring her to her room.  She's actually really light but it was a lot harder than I originally thought it would be to pick her up from the ground since we're about the same height, books make it seem so easy to do it.

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