Chapter 15

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(Your POV)


I'm jolted out of my sleep by the loud yelling and movement of my bed, causing me to roll over and land face down on the floor.

I groan when I hear my little sister's and two other girlish giggles. Lifting my head to glare at the people responsible for this, I see Sammy, Bre, and Taylor jumping on my bed while Lauren looks at them with wide unfocused eyes (probably still in a daze since she was just woken up too).

"You're the worst." I huff and lay my head back onto the ground.

"It was all Sammy's idea." Bre says while laughing and still jumping around.

"Nah-uh, I just wanted to come wake up French fry and Ketchup. Tay was the one who said we should jump on the bed." Sammy defends herself to Bre.

"Remind me never to rob a bank with either of you." Lauren's sister says and shakes her head.

"Wait, Ketchup?" I interject with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah. Lauren. I asked Grammy Lizzie what goes with chicken nuggets and French fries since Lauren calls me nugget too now, and she said that ketchup does and it makes your tummy extra happy when you have them together. And Lauren makes me extra happy when she plays with me and you smile a lot more than usual when you talk to her or someone says her name, so I think she makes you extra happy too. So, Lauren is Ketchup." Sammy answers matter-of-factly and continues to jump on the bed.

My cheeks lightly flush as I smile and shake my head at the observant and intelligent 5-year-old. I look at Lauren to see her smiling widely back at me, apparently now completely awake.

"Come here, nugget. You're so cute." Lauren says and pulls my sister into a hug.

"Hey, why don't I get a nickname Sam? Am I not cool enough for your little club?" Bre asks and gives the little girl an exaggerated pout.

"Um, I just remembered I have to, uh, take a bath." Sammy says quickly and runs out of the room.

Bre stands there with an open mouth in shock while the rest of us laugh at how she just completely swerved the question.

"She literally just got finished taking a bath." Taylor says between laughs.

"Wow. I can't believe I was basically just told by a 5-year-old that I wasn't cool." Bre sits at the foot of the bed.

"I believe it." I say as I finally crawl back onto the bed.

"Whatever. On to a more serious topic. Why does it smell like sex in here? Something you wanna tell us?" The oldest girl asks and wiggles her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Why don't you ask those rude people who woke us up at 4AM because they were moaning." Lauren says while nodding her head toward where Camila and Connor are still sound asleep, spooning.

How the hell did they just sleep through that?

"No way! They did the dirty? At least someone got some action in this house, there's too many kids or parents running around here for anyone else to get it in in peace." Bre says and rolls her eyes.

"Good, because I don't need to be hearing about your and my brother's sex life. Anyway, I'm assuming we're heading to the mountain soon?" I quickly change the subject.

"In an hour. Almost everyone is already awake, so you guys should get up before all the waffles are gone." Taylor says while getting up and stretching.

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