Chapter 6

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(Your POV)

The girls are so good with Sammy, especially Lauren. Just watching her interact with my baby sister makes my heart flutter.

I was set on making the food for everyone, but it was really hard to argue when the 5 girls insisted that they all help. So here we are, all putting sauce, cheese, and toppings on our own piece of pizza dough while blasting music through the kitchen radio. I keep taking little breaks from pizza making to grab my sister's hand and make her dance with me before she tells me through her fit of giggles that she has to finish making her pizza.

After Sammy managed to quickly finish a pizza for her and one for Matty, the girls saw how much the little girl enjoyed making her own pizza and they all kept asking her for help with theirs. She's running around the table from person to person making each pizza a work of art.

I put the pizzas in the oven one by one until the counter was clear. I stand up and turn around, only to be engulfed in a white cloud of flour that we used to roll out the dough. I open my eyes to see everyone laughing and holding their sides.

"Wow, you're all a bunch of comedians. Alright who's the culprit?" I say while crossing my arms and trying to keep a straight face.

They all point at my little sister, who stops laughing to hide behind Breanna. She giggles as I open my mouth and gasp.

"Sammy?! My own flesh and blood?! How could you do this to me Sams? I thought we were best friends?" I pout.

"You are my best friend in the whole wide world French fry! B told me to do it!" She yells and jumps to the side while pointing at my brother's girlfriend.

"Sam! You're such a tattle tale!" Bre says and sticks out her tongue at the 5 year old who returns the gesture.

"Wow Bre, I've welcomed you into this family for twelve years and this is how you treat me? By getting Sammy to assault me with food?!" I say, feigning hurt.

"You're so dramatic." She replies while rolling her eyes.

The rest of the girls (whom I momentarily forgot were in the room) all stifle their laughs, except for Lauren, who lets out a giggle.

"What, do you think this is funny?" I ask while raising a brow at her.

She lets out a real laugh before answering. "Yeah, a little bit."

"Well let's see how you like it." I whisper back and see her confused look only for a second before it's covered in flour.

She gasps as I, and everyone else in the room, start laughing.

"Oh you better run." Lauren states with her eyes narrowed while picking up the bag of flour.

I quickly get to the other side of the kitchen table and grab Camila to use as a human shield. In reality, it was stupid of me to think that this strategy would help me at all. Lauren comes over and dumps half of the bag on both of us.

"Are you kidding me?! You're both dead now." Camila says while grabbing a bag of shredded cheese and throwing handfuls at us.

Soon enough, everyone joins in on the food fight. Flour, cheese, pepperoni, pineapples, mushrooms, sausage, onions, and various sauces are flying everywhere. I turn to run from Lauren (who has apparently made it her goal to get me covered in everything), only to be met with Sammy's sauce-covered hand to my face. I stop in my tracks and see Lauren and my sister dying of laughter and high-fiving.

"That's it. You're done for." I grab an opened jar of sauce off of the counter and start toward them. Lauren hides behind Normani who's right next to her while Sammy takes off running toward the door the leads to the garage. I corner her as she's right in front of that door.

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