Chapter 27

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Hello beautiful people:)

I have so much school work to do and zero motivation to do it, so as a product of my procrastinating I wrote this instead and decided to just post it now instead of waiting until next week lmao


(Your POV)

"Come on, it's time to get up. I made some breakfast." Connor shakes my arm gently.

"No." I mumble and cuddle the front of my body more into the back of the person next to me. 

"Fine if you're not gonna get up at least let me join in the cuddles, it sucked sleeping alone last night." He sighs.

"You can be the tiny spoon." Camila pats the spot in front of her.

Connor grumbles something but gets into my bed next to the Cuban-Mexican anyway.

"Y/N's a better big spoon than you. I didn't wake up with anything poking me in the ass." Camila says with a soft laugh.

I giggle and hold her even tighter.  "I don't want to adult today.  Can we just stay here all day."

"Ugh, I wish.  Adulting is so overrated.  You guys are coming with me to the radio stations today, right?  They usually have free food." Camila says, her voice getting more excited as she talks.

"Sammy is staying at my mom's until she drops her off at school tomorrow morning so I have literally no plans today, you can count me in for free food." I laugh.

"Awesome.  Not to dampen the mood, but are you planning on talking to Lauren before she leaves?" Connor asks.

I sigh and let go of Camila to lay on my back and look at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I really should."

Camila rolls over to prop her head up on her elbow and look at me. "From what I heard through the door she said some pretty shitty things, but I really think that she didn't mean them."

"Yeah, I know. But that's the thing with words though, once you say them you can never take them back. I know we were just in the heat of the moment and it doesn't help that my emotions coincide with the day I'm on of my period, but some things still hurt and made me put things in perspective." I respond while still looking at the ceiling.

"So what are you going to say when she gets here?" She asks.

"Well I know she's going to try to apologize for things she said, but I already forgive her for that and I'm not going to be petty about it." I shrug and turn my head to the girl next to me. "Do you think I was wrong for being mad at her in the first place? Like about going there and then not talking to me at all and then just showing up? Be honest."

"Honestly, it's not like she just went on vacation and didn't talk to you, like she was doing some things of actual importance. But I'd probably be mad too. She's my best friend, but that doesn't stop me from saying that she was stupid for telling you about everything last minute and then basically saying that you were overreacting about her not talking to you for like 36 hours before coming here when you were clearly concerned for good reason since she went off and got herself arrested."

I nod a face the ceiling again. "I should probably shower."

Before I reach the bathroom I look back. "No nasty stuff while you're in my bed." I sternly point a finger at the two of them.

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