Chapter 9

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(Your POV)

I wake up to feel my stomach start cramping and doing flips and I'm hit with a wave of nausea.

I'm stopped from getting up by a weight on my arm. I turn to see Lauren gripping and cuddling my arm with her head on my shoulder. I study her cute sleeping face for a moment before I'm reminded of my pending vomit.

I gently get my arm free from her and roll out of bed to run into my bathroom, avoiding the bodies of the other Fifth Harmony members that are sleeping on air mattresses on the floor.

I don't have time to even think about why my bathroom door is closed, so I fling it open and almost knock over a half-asleep Camila who was just about to leave the bathroom.

I ignore her look of confusion and throw myself onto my knees with my head in the toilet, releasing all of the contents of my stomach.

Camila kneels next to me and grabs all of my hair and wraps it in a hair tie. She rubs my back as I finish throwing up, wipe my mouth with toilet paper, and flush the toilet. I sit down against the wall and lean my head back with my eyes closed, taking deep breaths to prevent any more from coming up.

"Jeeze, I'm glad I didn't get up to pee ten seconds later than I did." Camila comments in mock disgust while moving to sit next to me. "I would have to kill you and then take fifty showers if I was in the crossfire of all of your nasty-ass puke."

I chuckle and playfully shove her. "You're a jerk." She giggles and I stand up to rinse my mouth out in the sink and brush my teeth. I glance at my watch to see it's 6AM.

"Since I'm now wide awake and I don't have to leave for work for another four hours today, I'm gonna go make some breakfast. Would you like to join me?"

"Yeah I'm starving. I might start blowing chunks too if I don't get something in my belly." She pats her stomach for effect before we both laugh.

"We wouldn't want that happening, would we? Let's go before anyone else barges in here and you're forced in the same room with vomit again." She laughs and follows me out of the bathroom and then out of my room where all of the girls, including Lauren, are still sleeping.

We make it to the fridge and I notice that I'm out of basically everything I need to make breakfast because I was supposed to go grocery shopping after dinner. It must've completely slipped my mind.

"Shit." I breathe out. I turn to see Camila sitting at a stool at the kitchen island giving me a questioning glance. "We have like nothing to eat, I forgot to go to the supermarket. I guess we could just order food from the diner around the corner for everyone and I'll go pick it up." I say while going through the kitchen drawers to find the diner take-out menu.

Camila gets up to help me after I tell her what I'm looking for. I get to the last drawer that we haven't checked yet and finally find it.

As I put it on the counter and Camila and I look at the first page, the door that leads to the garage opens. I jump and push Camila behind me because I have no idea who would even be coming into the house at this time.

Jessie walks into the kitchen, struggling with one arm full of shopping bags and the other balancing 4 cup holder trays with Starbucks cups.

I release a breath I didn't even realize I was holding and we both rush over to help Jessie before she drops something.

"Jesus Christ Jessie, you scared the shit out of me. I didn't expect anyone to be coming in at 6AM, I thought you were someone coming to kill us all." I say chuckling while grabbing the top 2 cup holders while Camila takes the other 2.

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