Chapter 10

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(Your POV)

After breakfast, Matty and Bre left for work, and Jessie and Connor went to visit their families for the day.

I jumped into the driver's seat of my SUV and watched as Sammy bucked herself into her booster seat.

Lauren sat herself in the passenger seat while the other girls situated themselves between the two rows in the back. They insisted that they all come with me to the police station to file a report and restraining order against Brian.

"French fry, is everyone coming to school with me today?" Sammy asks hopefully.

"Sorry nugget, not today. They're just coming with me to drop you off." I smile at my little sister before starting the car and pulling out of the garage.

"Oh okay." She replies sadly.

"Can they play with me when we get home tonight!?" My sister suddenly shouts/asks, clearly excited about playing with the 5 girls.

"Inside voice Sams. And they won't be here when you come home tonight. They have to go to work and they have their own friends and families that they have to see. Maybe another time nugget." I say while watching her through the rearview mirror.

"Don't worry girl, we'll definitely be back to play with you as soon as we can. We love playing with you shorty." Dinah says while reaching up from behind my sister to ruffle her hair.

"Yeah, we really liked spending time with all of you. We just have a few more places to go for work and then we have to spend Christmas with our families. But after that we'll come back up here to hang out with you for a while. How does that sound to you?" Camila asks from the other bucket seat next to Sammy in the second row.

"That's a really far time away. You have to promise that you'll come back. Y/N really likes all of you too, I think she would be really sad if you didn't come back." Sammy says with a very serious expression on her face.

I smile and look over to Lauren, who's already smiling back at me.

I faintly hear the girls in the back promise Sammy and then converse more with her, but I mostly block them out.

"She's not lying, I would be pretty sad if you didn't come back. But I know that you guys just got done with tour and then pretty much jumped right into the jingle ball so I know that you probably want to spend as much time with your family as you can." I say low enough for only Lauren to hear.

"Well Camila isn't lying either. We loved spending time with you guys and we will definitely be coming back after Christmas." Lauren says back at the same volume.

A few minutes later, we get to Sammy's school and I take her to her classroom after she says goodbye and hugs each girl individually.


The police station went as good as could be expected.

Now we're back to my house. The girls just finished helping me bring all of the stuff from the mall yesterday into the closet of the guest bedroom in the basement so that I can lock it to keep them hidden from Sammy.

"Hey why don't you come with us tonight!?" Camila asks excitedly.

"Yeah! You could hang out with us backstage and we'll get you some front row tickets!" Normani adds with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"I don't know. I have Sammy to worry about and I wouldn't want to get in your guys' way." I reply.

"Well you can obviously bring her. Matt and Bre too. Come on, the Jingle Ball is usually so much fun. It'll be ten times better if you come." Lauren says with an excited smile.

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