Chapter 35

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(Your POV)

"Shit! Y/N! We have a situation!" Connor yells from his room in the basement.

Sammy and I look at each other from across the table with inquisitive glances. 'A situation' for Connor could mean a variety of things from the mini fridge downstairs running out of beer, to him falling down the stairs and breaking the foosball table.

"Y/N!?" Connor yells again and I hear him dry heave.

"You finish your lunch, I'll go check out what's happening." I point to Sammy and she nods, happily taking a bite of her peanut butter sandwich.

I run down the stairs and turn into the bedroom to see him covered in some substance while trying to coddle a crying baby who's wearing just a diaper. Just as I'm about to ask what happened, Baby Caiden projectile vomits right into Connor's face. My eyes widen and I hold in a laugh as Connor whines and dry heaves like he's gonna throw up too.

I quickly grab a towel from under the baby's changing table and wipe the little guy's face and hands to take him into my arms.

I throw the towel at Connor. "Did he just wake up from his nap and start throwing up?"

"He was up and fussing so I picked him up to see if he needed a diaper change and then he just started vomiting." My best friend wipes his face and shakes his head.

"Alright well," I move my hand to pull back on the back of the diaper to look in and immediately let the diaper go as I'm hit with a strong whiff. "Yeah, your son needs a changing. Here you go." I try handing the baby back but Connor shakes his head and steps away.

"Come on, this baby may be my family but he carries none of my DNA. I'll be damned if I have to clean up that explosive shit while you stand around doing nothing."  I lay Baby Caiden down on the changing table when it seems like he's not going to throw up anymore and give Connor a stern look.

"Okay.  I know, but can you help me?  Please, Y/N?"  He whines childishly.

I sigh and tell him to pull the garbage can closer and I take a deep breath in and hold it when I undo the sticky tabs on the diaper.  Holding my breath doesn't really help and the stench invades my senses making me involuntarily gag.

I quickly grab the baby's feet and lift them to throw out the diaper and start to wipe but as I'm doing that Baby Caiden decides to pee and it goes all over himself and Connor.

"Fuck.  The shit is all on his back too." I say to myself as I grab more wipes to clean Baby Caiden.

Connor tries to help by bringing the trash can closer but I accidentally throw a dirty wipe onto his hand and he full on dry heaves with a one of those burps that happen right before the bile comes out.

"Sams!"  I call up and hear a response from her.  "Can you come down here and turn on the shower, please."

Little pitter patters come closer as she quickly makes her way down the stairs and to the bathroom down here.

"Make sure it's not too hot, it's for Baby Cai."  I say and she hums while I clean the baby the best I can and Connor cleans off his arm then takes a wipe for his face where traces of the throw up and pee are.

Sammy tells me it's at a good temperature and I carefully lift Baby Caiden and walk quickly to the bathtub with Connor following close behind.

He detaches the removable shower head and sprays the little booty then cleans him with some soap back there and on his front when I turn him around.

When the baby is finally clean enough, Sammy hands me a towel and I wrap him up and bring him out to put him in fresh clothes.

"Come on Sams, help me pick out his little outfit.  Connor, you stay in here and take a shower.  You smell."  I say over my shoulder and put a new diaper on the baby.

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