Chapter 17

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(Your POV)

I flutter my eyes open and smile to myself when I see Lauren still asleep on me.

Checking the time, I notice that it's only 7AM, so everyone else is probably still sleeping too. I shift slightly and ask in the warmth Lauren's body is giving me.

I kiss her forehead and close my eyes again, only to hear the bedroom door open.

"Y/N?" I hear a strained whisper from the doorway.

"What's wrong Sams." I ask, immediately not feeling tired anymore.

"It hurts." She sniffles.

I signal for her to come over to the bed while I attempt to wiggle out from under Lauren.

"Where you going?" The green-eyed girl mumbled and held me tighter.

"I have to give Sammy her medicine." I whisper and kiss her head when she blinks a few times and lifts her head to look at my little sister who's standing next to my side of the bed.

"Hey Sammy. You okay?" Lauren asks and lets me go to hold her arms open for the little girl.

"My arm hurts a lot." She answers while pouting.

Lauren scoops her up onto my spot in bed while I get the bottle of pills, applesauce, and a spoon out of my backpack where I put them last night. I was prepared for her to come to me in pain at some point.

I sit next to the pair and give Sammy a spoonful of applesauce with the pill hidden inside so that she could swallow it easier.

"It might make you a little sleepy. Do you want me to take you back to your bed?" I ask gently.

She just shakes her head and cuddles into Lauren.

"I was going to go make some breakfast, do you want me to bring her to my brother's room?" I ask the Cuban beauty.

"No that's ok she can stay with me. I'm still super tired anyways." Lauren answers and yawns on cue.

I chuckle and nod and give them each a kiss on the top of their heads.


(Lauren POV)

Moving a sleeping Sammy into Camila and Connor's bed (only after them assuring me that they cleaned the sheets after the other night), I make my way into the kitchen where Y/N was leaning the front of her body on the island and writing something in her journal. I laid in bed for a half hour before giving up any hope of falling back to sleep so it's still early and no one else is out here.

I wrap my arms around her waist from behind, causing her to jump and cover her book with her hands. She only relaxed when she turned and saw it was me behind her.

"I'm starting to think you enjoy scaring me." She giggles as she removes her hands from the journal and intertwines our fingers on her stomach.

I laugh and place a chaste kiss on the side of her neck, feeling her lean back into me. "Maybe." I tighten my hold on her and lightly sway us side to side. "What are you writing?"

"Nothing really, just some thoughts." She turns her head to watch me read the page.

I look into my new favorite pair of eyes and then at my new favorite pair of lips. Y/N untangles one of her hands and brings it to the back of my head to connect our mouths.

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