Chapter 22

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(Lauren POV)
"So what exactly are we doing?" I ask while helping to set up blankets on the floor of the basement.

"I saw this thing online where people paint on each other's backs and I've wanted to try it for the longest time so I figured we could do it now. I feel like it'll be calming. We can put music on the projector and everyone can paint each other. You guys are great musical artists so I figured you're probably good at other artistic things too." Bre responds.

"Oh my God, yeah I've seen that! This is gonna be so cool! Mila can't draw or paint for the life of her, but it'll still be awwwesome." Dinah says.

I laugh and run back upstairs to grab my phone and see where Y/N is.

"Hey have you seen Y/N?" I ask Camila, who's browsing the fridge.

"Yeah, she and Con are in her room.  Can you remind Connor that he promised to make me food."  She says without moving her eyes from the contents of the refrigerator.

I nod and start to walk the other way but slow down when I hear Connor and my girlfriend's voices. I don't really want to eavesdrop, but I can't help but stop to listen what they're talking about.

"Dr. Lowe said that she doesn't have an opening in her schedule until Wednesday, but she is available to up your visits from once a month to once a week. I know that what Jess said is still in your head and that today was hard for you to begin with, so I'm glad you let me call so that you'll have someone more qualified to talk to than just me. But I am skipping my classes next week and staying here after I get back from Miami until next weekend so any time you need someone to just listen I'm here for you, Y/N. Please just don't think too much into what happened with Jessie, we're so much better off without her."

"You alright, Lo?"  Camila asks as she walks toward me.

I hold my index finger to my lips and try to keep listening.

"What are you do—" I shut her up by putting my hand over her mouth.

"Thanks.  You're the best, Connor.  Don't worry about me, for now you should be worrying about how your parents will take it when you tell them that the first time they're meeting Camila is to tell them that she's pregnant."

I look to my best friend/bandmate and see that she's already looking back at me with a raised eyebrow because of what we just heard.  She pulls my hand away from her face and leans against the wall next to me.

"Dude, I know.  I'm not all that scared though, Camila is such a sweetheart and they'll love her as much as I do.  I don't really care that we went a little out of order with the societal norms of how a relationship should develop, it just feels right and if my parents don't respect that or her then I'll make sure they don't have any part in my family's life.  I don't have a ring right now and she doesn't think that we should get married just because she's pregnant, but I can definitely see myself spending the rest of my life with her regardless of if she was having my baby or not.  I just really feel like she's my one, ya know?"

I turn to see Camila looking at the ground and smiling like an idiot.

"Good, I'm so happy for you.  My little Connie is being all adult-like, I never thought this day would happen.  They grow up so fast."

"Shut up asshat, you may be three months older than me but obviously I'm the more mature one.  And don't even act like you don't feel the same way about Lauren, I catch you staring at her all of the time.  And it's not even like you just stare at her ass, it's like you're staring into her."

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