Chapter 23

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^^^^^^So like, I wrote about Lauren going snowboarding for the first time for New Years and then she actually went snowboarding for the first time for New Years. Does this mean that since I wrote about Lauren falling in love with me that she actually will fall in love with me???? Lmao


(Lauren POV)

"Hey Y/N, were you planning on going home right after work?"  Bre walks into my girlfriend's office while looking down at the screen of the iPad in her hands.

Y/N lifts her eyes up from her computer screen where she was answering emails.  "I'm going home but going right back out.  Connor asked me to drop them off at the airport.  Why?  What's up?"

"Wow, that's perfect."  Bre looks up with a smile.  "Oh, hey guys.  Sorry I'm a little distracted I didn't know you were still here."  She addresses the five of us who are sitting on the couch and floor sending out social media posts to our harmonizers to tell them that we're in the process of recording again.

"Hey Bre!  How's your day going so far?"  Ally asks the older girl with a smile.

"Eh, it was good until I had to make a run for the bathroom to puke when I went into the lounge just before. Someone brought in bacon.  I used to love bacon but being pregnant makes me feel nauseous just from thinking about it, one whiff and it's literally like I need to make it to a toilet or garbage can within thirty seconds.  It's so annoying."  She answers with a disgusted look on her face.

"Right?  This morning Connor tried to kiss me after eating eggs and I literally gagged into his mouth and almost threw up on the spot.  It was like I smelt it through my mouth."  Camila chimes in.

"As much as I want to keep talking about vomit, why did you ask me if I was going home after work Bre?"  Y/N says from her chair.

"Oh, right!  Your mom was going to come stay with us for a few days, but something's wrong with her car so I was going to go pick her up and ask you to watch Sam. But since you'll be out anyway and she's near the airport can you just get her?" 

"Yeah, no problem." Y/N says with a smile.

"Great, thanks so much. I have to get back to work now. Apparently some big name singers are coming in to use the studio next week so Dave is up my ass about hiring extra security, ordering catering, and getting cleaners to come in." Bre says and looks back to the iPad.

I see Normani and Dinah high five out of the corner of my eye.

"Alright, well I'm basically done with this if you want some help?"  Y/N asks, oblivious to the looks of happiness my band mates are giving each other at the sound of us getting food catered for us next week.  Obviously their boss didn't tell them which 'big name singers' are going to be here.

"No, it's all good.  The interns are getting most of it done, I'm just going through these security guard profiles to make sure we get the best ones."  Bre holds up the tablet to give us a view of the screen.  "I'll see you girlies later." She waves and closes the door behind her.

I get up and walk over to where my girlfriend resumed typing and wrap my arms around her shoulders from behind while resting my chin on one of them.

She turns her head to the side and quickly kisses my cheek but continues to work.

"Want me to come with you to the airport?"  I ask as she sends out her last email.

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