Chapter 26

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(Your POV)

"Oh. Okay."

"I'm sorry, babe.  I really wanted to come early to see you, but I just heard about this last minute and I need to do this to stick up for all of the people who don't have a voice.  You understand, right?"

"Of course I understand that, Lauren.  Even though we've had these plans for over a month I can't really be upset at you for doing this because your passion and caring for people are some of the things that I really love about you.  Plus if I was mad that you're going to protests and rallies instead of spending time with me that would make me an asshole, right?"

"I wouldn't say that, but I get it if you're mad.  I don't want you to think I'm ditching you, because I'm not.  This is just really important.  Lucy and I will be staying in a hotel there tonight and then there's more going on tomorrow so I'll be flying out to you after that.  You'll probably be sleeping by the time I get there but I can make sure one of the girls are up to let me in."

I sigh and rub my face with my hand.

"Y/N? Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here.  It's fine Lauren."


"I should go, Bre wanted me to help take care of some last minute things and then I have to go pick everyone else up from the airport later.  Just go do what you have to do and please be safe.  I'll talk to you later.  I love you, bye." I hang up before she can even answer and throw my phone onto my bed.

Taking a deep breath, I move all of the clothes off of my bed and back into my closet.

So much for that perfect date I planned for tonight.

Maybe this isn't as big of a deal as I'm making it and maybe I shouldn't be mad that she's doing the right thing by standing up for human rights, but she was supposed to be getting on a plane right now to come stay here for a couple days before the wedding except now she's not getting here until literally the night before the wedding.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't be crying right now. But I'm so stressed out from all this shit I'm running around doing for Bre and I miss my girlfriend who I haven't seen for 3 weeks. And to top it all off I woke up this morning to the start of my period, which is always the time when I'm super emotional. So sue me.

I really am proud of her for using her voice against all of this social injustice, just a little more notice than right when she was supposed to have been boarding would've been nice.


Pull yourself together, Y/N. Stop crying like a little baby.

I give myself a pep talk while wiping my cheeks and clicking on my car hazards. I unbuckle my seatbelt and leave the car by the curb so that I'm ready incase the girls need any help carrying their bags. They're only staying for a few days but if they're anything like me, they overpacked.

"Y/N! What's up girl!" Normani approaches me and gives me a hug.

The other three girls greet me the same, Connor lagging slightly behind from carrying both his and Camila's bags.

He looks up and smiles at me, but it drops and he squints his eyes when he walks quickly to put the bags in the trunk. After they're situated in there, he turns back to me and takes me into a secure bear hug.

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